💐The Young Girl🧁

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"I don't want to be horny I want to be happy"
- a thought that ran through my mind after nearly passing Out

inspired by my best friend's words

The lonely girl looked up to the starry sky after laying on the grass. She was tired and sweaty from dance practice with the girls. Truth be told, she Never cared that much about dance. She always preferred art Anyway, but her mom always made her practice for dance, saying "art won't get you far. Just focus on your dancing and you'll have a bright and famous future."

Of course, there girl never really believed in Fame or in what her mother told her, but she doesn't want to disappoint her last family member.... So she dances. She dances even when her mind is in her next art project. She dances even when she knows it won't make her happy.

At least, there's one good thing about taking dance class; she gets to admire all the beautiful girls in her class with her. The way their hair flows beautifully as they do spins and jumps in the air. How flexible they are.. How wonderful they smell after a hard practice... She loves it all.

But.. She's afraid. She knows all of them have boyfriends, but she's still afraid of falling for them.

She knows her religion forbids her from liking the same sex. She knows all that and yet... She can't help her feelings. It hurts when she finds herself flirting with the other girls, with the only response being "you're funny! It's fun fake flirting with people while knowing that we're all hets". It hurts when she finds herself staring at the other girls, only to be called out with "stop being horny and pay attention to your steps". It hurts when she has vivid dreams of hugging her close friends with no cloth barrier between them, only to wake up knowing it will never happen. It hurts. It fuking hurts. And she wants it to stop hurting. So.. She doesn't eat. She never has any appetite anyway, so why should she? Living on two apples every three days, she finds herself skinny yet fit.

"it's not that bad" she tries to convince herself. "I'll be fine" she tells herself. Truth is she knows. She knows it's bad. She knows she shouldn't do this.. But..

She can't stop herself once she's started. So she continues her routine. The fifteen year old cries as she lays in the grass, all sweaty and hungry from practice. "I'm okay... I'm okay..." she lies to herself. But.. She's not okay. She's not. "I don't want to be horny I want to be happy" she thinks to herself, before reaching out with a weak arm to the stars.

"I'm sorry... mom..."

She took a deep breath, before her arm fell onto her chest.

It's cold.

She's cold.

Life is cold.

Her heart is frozen.

Her eyes are lifeless.

In the middle of the woods, lay a beautiful, hurt girl, yet no soul to be found in this girl's body.


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