🗡If it were a villain...🐱‍👤

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~* All I wanted was to sit in peace with my headphones tuned into the loudest volume. So... why am I here, the blade in my hands bloodied? *~

Thrust into a world where immortals aren't uncommon, Blaze feels his anger becoming the one thing that beats steadily in his heart's steed. Being one of the eldest immortals in the kingdom, Blaze has witnessed many rulers in many different eras. Some excelled others in a field of absolute atrocity, while others made no effort to update the system. All throughout these times, Blaze kept to himself and never bothered to make his presence known. So why was it different now?

Maybe something triggered the emotions he lost long ago.

Was it the atmosphere?

Was it loneliness?

Was it- no. It was none of that.

The most reasonable explanation would have to be the new ruler of the kingdom.

King Alpheratz was the fairest ruler of all time. No, not in his strategy, rather his skin tone. His strategy and orders ran darker than a bottomless pit; to the point where even Darkness feared the depth.

Alpheratz was a frail white old mortal in his fifties. who only tried to maintain peace... or so naïve citizens believe. In the witnessing eyes of palace servants, this King was the most dangerous, ruthless leader they have ever met. And Blaze had to agree with the palace workers. Although, he never stood at their exact point of view.

Blaze never needed to serve or work for the idiotic mortals to held the throne. Not even once; for he was not even close to a servant.

However, he was a quiet shadow lurker. In history books that talked of old tales, his kind was referred to as 'Erebus'. The Greek word for shadow.

He lived where the light did not meet; he lived alongside the demons and unknown creatures of the dark.

Being the creature he was, he protected his people quietly. He eliminated the enemy quietly. He was the shadow that never left; he was the shadow that grew stronger the brighter the light.

He was the shadow that hid the dark, evil creatures that live alongside him from the children of the light.

The sun never affected him in any gross way, but it has always felt uncomfortable whenever he stood under it; So he prefers to stay in lonesome with classical orchestra music as his sole company.

As a shadow, Blaze knew how to follow the king constantly without him ever noticing. Blaze knew of all King Alpheratz' ministrations. And it disgusted him.

A kind smile with a black heart; that was what this current king was.

For ten months in his reign, Blaze had to sit back and watch his people being ruthlessly murdered by angry knights of other kingdoms.

The King was purely evil; pretending to be civil, while cheating off other kingdoms and empires. Thousands of civilians, dead at the hands of this man in the span of less than a year. Too many mortals deceased, and too many immortals cast to the Dark Side.

Maybe that's why he found himself standing on the king's throne this night, the midnight blade he forged out of his own blood and musk, bloodied between his fingers.

It took his brain a while to catch up to his actions, and when he did, he looked up at the crowd that was gathered in front if him.

His true subjects, the people he's dedicated his life to, all stared at him with fear and confusion etched onto their faces.

Blaze wondered for a moment; were they terrified of the situation, or his appearance?

In the simplest of terms, Blaze was not a beautiful creature with honey-toned skin and bright blue eyes. No, that was the form of his opposite.

With black, white-less beady eyes, he looked around at the colorful eyes that belonged to those who stood under him. The dark mist that usually surrounds him faded from his area to reveal his entire physique.

As he took a step towards the crowd, his long dress shifted across the floor with him, leaving a dark trace behind. The fearful mortals took three steps back, letting their hateful tears fall.

They thought of him as the villain.

"mommy!! mommy look!!! I caught you a human for dinner!" the little boy ran to his mother, holding up the brightest grin of which represented the youthfulness of the boy.

though, when he reached his mother, he immediately stopped, just to be slapped by her. the woman's eyes, of which looked so much like the shallow end of the sea, held thick streaks of salt water. her beautifully pale face was red in both anger and sorrow, but also disappointment.

her child was a monster.

"you- you villain!! killing humans left and right, get away from my family! no one wants you here!! you're a disgrace to the family, an absolute disgrace!!! no one wants to have an immortal in this family, so get lost!!"

the little boy felt his eyes fill with unshed tears as he heard the words of his birth mother, and turned away from her.

that was the last he ever heard from her.

and it was the last he ever allowed his emotions to rise.

The last... until now.

As he silently watched the citizens tremble in fear, he felt those lost feelings re-surface once again.





And most of all; loneliness.

All these years of living in solemnity, Blaze has never once felt like the lack of another's presence was a bad thing. He'd always had comfort in that feeling.

But, standing here, being watched as the villain of this story... he finds that he hates it. He knows that the creatures of the dark wouldn't stand up for him. He knows all the other Erebus wouldn't dare leave their other.

Especially not to help an outcast with no 'other'. No definitive owner. No definitive body to follow.

Blaze was a Free Erebus.

But right now, he felt more caged than his tied down comrades.

Hanging his head, the undead, dead creature dropped onto one knee, bowing in respect to his inferiors, before allowing dark mist to swallow him hole.

Perhaps... i truly am a villain.

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