🎩 Life🃏

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It's... So hard to love life.

When life hugs you like a best friend you've never had the pleasure of having, and then fucks you over like everyone else around you.

Except he doesn't.

He hurts you worse.

Because he gives you false promises; tells you sweet lies beforehand.

Life does this silly little thing where he, he builds up your self-esteem and treats you like a beautiful Queen. He tells you all the things you wish you heard from other people. He gives you all of which you desire. And then...

And then he rips it off like a bandaid on top of a still-bleeding wound. He reminds you of the bruises you've tried so hard to cover.

To hide.

He builds you up to break you down again.

He hurts you in ways that others have only barely succeeded to accomplishing.

He hands you a present called hope.

Now let me tell you a little story about hope.

Hope is like a seed.

Once it's planted, it stays.

It slowly blooms when something good happens.

It blooms into an extravagant rose; each petal a vibrant multitude of colors.

And as beautiful as it is, it's also deadly.

Its thorns grow sharper than any needle, and stronger than any diamond.

The more hope you carry, the more pain you're setting yourself up for.

If you approach that rose to take a whiff of the beautiful fragrance it emits, then prepare to get a fistful of thorns pricked into your face.

That is the nature of hope.

That is also why its seed is sealed and wrapped in the most beautiful packaging, and given by life.

Along with hope, there's also self-love, assurance, trust, and many others.






Did anyone ever tell you that your mind is a garden?

It holds so many beautiful creations.

The brightest of plants.

The greenest of grasses.

The tallest of trees.

The healthiest of flowers.

The strongest of weeds.

The darkest of shadows.

The deadliest of insects.

The scariest of animals.

Your mind is a garden where both elements are equivalent.

Both light and dark hold your brain hostage.

Both light and dark are balanced; NEVER does one outweigh the other.

It's true.

Because it depends on you, which one you want to focus on.

It depends on whether you want to let the words of those around you define your mood, or if you want to chose it yourself.

Life may be a bitch sometimes.

But it's also your best and, sometimes, only friend.

Don't give up on it.

Because life is truthfully the only one who will be by your side forever.

No matter how hurtful life is..

It still has its beauty.


Hey y'all 👋

I hope you guys are doing well :))

I wrote this because I've been coming in and out of so many different emotional states (mainly depressive and aggressive), and had my brain thinking about all the ways one could d!3.

As usual..

But I thought that maybe I should stop it.

I wrote down my thoughts as best as I could, and tried to explain how I see life.

Because I do think life is both hurtful and beautiful.

It both pierces people in places that won't heal, but also covers any wounds that have opened up a second time.

But I wanted y'all to know That life is still there for you.

You should love it and cherish it.

No matter how shitty the world may be.

Find your own light.

Make that your goal.

Make yourself proud.

This is Ama (Moon_D2) signing out ☾✌🏼️

[BONUS: I kinda felt like drawing the whole "your mind is a garden" thing so... here]

Note, I don't really major in painting or plants or anything; im better at faces than anything else

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Note, I don't really major in painting or plants or anything; im better at faces than anything else.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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