A second chance Part 8

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Chapter 8

My head jolted upright, as i heard a knock on my dorm door.

"Who is it?" I asked, as draco barged into my room. A shocked look on his face. It took me a second to comprehend what was going on. Draco was wearing a leather jacket, with no shirt on underneath, and black ripped skinny jeans. Then i realized he was probably going to the gryffindor party too. "Wow draco you look hot. What's up?"

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU TODAY?" Draco yelled at me, causing me to jump.

"Sorry dray, i had quite a bit of homework to do." I lied. The truth was simple. I had ended up in bellatrixs room for... a few more hours than expected. Draco looked at me sceptically.

"Yeah right." Draco said, sitting down on my bed. My dorm room was deserted, as all the girls were at their own party, since the sixth years refused to let them in. "You were fucking bellatrix again weren't you." I cringed at that word.

"Jesus draco calm down." ... we sat in awkward silence for a few painful moments. And then i confessed. "Yeah i was."

"I fucking KNEW it." Draco said amazed. "This is like, some sort of record or something. FOUR FUCKING DAYS IN A ROW?" Jesus.

"I'm not even gonna ask why you're counting." I said. Draco looked like he was about to say something, but changed his mind.

"You know what, good for you, now are you ready for the party?"

"How do you know I'm going?" I asked, and draco rolled his eyes.

"Ugh, i ran into bellatrix earlier, and she bragged to me about how you and her were going to the party together. She can be so fucking obnoxious sometimes."

"whatever draco."

"Hey! The only reason you disagree with me is because she's the one that's been railing you for FOUR DAYS STRAIGHT." I ignored dracos comment, as i crossed the room to my trunk, and started pulling out clothes, looking for something to wear to that damn party. Another knock sounded at the door, and i turned towards the noise to see bellatrix walk into the room.

"Oh great you're here." I heard draco mutter under his breath.

"Hey babe, you almost ready to go?" She asked, looking over to me, after glaring at Draco for a few moments.

"Uh yeah, almost."

"Yeah... no you're not. Do you even have anything to wear?"

"Yes i do..." i started, turning to face bellatrix, but i stopped short, my jaw falling open at what bella had decided to wear. She had black tights that reached just above her knees before turning to a gorgeous black lace. She also wore a black skirt, paired with a black lacy top, that i was pretty sure wasn't supposed to be a shirt at all. The butterflies returned. "I- bella... you- you look so fucking hot."

"Why thank you y/n." She said, smirking as she pulled up a chair from a nearby desk, and sat down. With the chair backwards. I could see everything. I gulped as i slowly turned back towards my clothes, and kept sorting through them, until i found what i was looking for.

"Aha!" I exclaimed, showing bella and draco the tiny skin tight black dress.

"Oh please wear that." Bella said, biting her lip.

"Merlin bella. Are you ever not horny?" I said glancing at draco, who made a disgusted face, and I laughed.

"Says you Y/n. You're very readable." I rolled my eyes, turning away from the both of them, as i started changing.

"Can she go in? I know she's a fifth year, but I brought her." Bella argued with the 'bouncer' who was actually Dean Thomas in a suit. I was distracted from the situation by what i could see of the party from outside the slightly opened painting to the Gryffindor common room. I guess bella finally convinced dean, that or she imperious cursed him, because the next thing i knew, she was grabbing my hand, and leading my towards the painting. Dean whispered the password, and it swung open fully, revealing, lights, drinks, and about a hundred sixth years dancing.

"Well this looks like fun" i stated, as we moved fully into the room.

"Ill go get us drinks babe. What do you want?" Bellatrix asked.

"Um ill have whatever. Just something with alcohol." Bellatrix smirked, nodded, and walked towards the table on the far side of the room. The party was certainly a scene. Draco was there with Blaise, obviously staring at harry, who was dancing with hermione. Ginny was even there, although she was just talking to Ron at a table in the corner.

"Hi love i got you this. And before you ask, I don't know what it is." The black haired woman said, coming back to where i was standing, holding two large cups of Merlin knows what.

"Bella." I said, taking a huge swig of my drink, wincing as it burned my throat a little. bellatrix just raised an eyebrow. "If i get really fucking wasted tonight, and we end up wanting to do something together, I'm giving you my consent ahead of time." Bellatrix laughed.

"Noted. Now, wanna go dance?" She asked, offering me a hand. I took it, and we headed out to the dance floor, drink in one hand, holding onto each other with the other.

By the third song, my cup was completely empty, and the room had started to spin. It's hard to explain how i felt. It was like i was floating, and everything around me was moving in weird directions. It all felt like one big fever dream. I only remember pieces after tat point. I know i was dancing for quite a while. Then i think i had another drink or two, and the next thing i remember i was being carried by someone, and whoever was carrying me put me on a bed. That's all. Everything in between was not remembered.

The light seemed extra bright that morning, as i groggily opened one eye, resulting in a dull growing pain in my head. I rubbed my temple with my hand, as i tried to sit up. The room spun, and i fell backwards onto the bed. That's when i realized. The curtains on the window that were responsible for the horrible light, weren't green. They were red. I tried to sit up again, and again, i failed, falling backwards a second time.

"Woah woah. Take it easy Y/n." A familiar voice said from the floor. I turned my head to look over, and reveal who i was with. Ginny.

"Where the hell am i? What happened?" I asked. Confused as shit.

"Your in my room, ginnys room. You got REALLY drunk last night. I don't know what happened to bellatrix and draco, because I found you passed out in a bathroom stall."

"Oh Merlin." I said. My head was foggy, and I still couldn't remember a single thing. "Do i have classes today?"

"Technically yes."


"But i sent a patronus to all your teachers saying you had gotten food poisoning, a nasty case too, and wouldn't be attending classes today."

"merlin, thanks Ginny." I said, looking around the room, and noticing another odd thing. "Gin? Did you sleep on the floor?" Ginny blushed.

"Y-yeah. I wanted you to have the bed." Ginny was such a good friend. What the hell. 

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