A second chance Part 15

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Chapter 15

Tw: homophobic slurs, smut, homophobia

Disclaimer: I am allowed to use the F slur, I just didn't feel comfortable writing it in my story, so sorry that it's starred out!

Mistletoe hung over almost every doorway in malfoy mansion, as the sound of a large fire crackling filled the hallways, and food of all kinds wafted into the air. It had been four days since bella had fucked with my mind, and me, and i was getting sick of waiting for her. And now it was Christmas Eve. At least i had draco to help me take my mind off of bellatrix.

"Red or green?" The blonde asked, holding up two different Christmas dresses of mine, that were still way too big for him.

"Draco those still wont fit you." I laughed, as he rolled his eyes.

"I don't care. Ill just wear a belt or something. Can i pleaseeeee wear one?" He pleaded, his eyes widening with hope, begging me to let him borrow my clothes.

"Fine draco." He grinned, as he got up, starting to get undressed. "Also, go with the green one, it brings out your eyes." Draco nodded, still smiling, as he pulled my emerald coloured dress over his little blonde head. When draco asked me to help him find a way to disappoint his dad, I agreed right away, and we decided on doing dracos makeup, and finding him a dress to wear for Christmas Eve dinner. After draco finished getting dressed, he turned to me, doing a little twirl.

"Well?" He asked, beaming as he looked down at himself. "How do you think it looks?"

"It looks great draco." I said ruffling his hair, as i made my way to the bathroom he had to himself. "Come over here babe, i gotta do your makeup." Draco pranced over to me happily, and sat on the second stool i had pulled up for him. I heard dracos door open, but thought nothing of it. Who cares. I started on the blonde, brushing color onto his cheeks, and eyelids, doing a look to match the way too big dress he was wearing.

"Hiya." Bellatrix said, leaning around the corner of dracos bathroom. I jumped. I had heard someone come in, but I assumed it was a house elf coming to tell draco supper was ready.

"Hi bella. What do you want?" I asked, rolling my eyes at the smirking woman, as i finished dracos makeup. "Alright dray, youre all set!" Draco skipped away to look at himslf in a mirror, as bellatrix got a bit closer to me.

"Oh I don't know." She smirked, leaning in. "Wanna finish what we started a few days ago?" Wow.

"You did so good Y/n!" Draco called from the other room, as bella leaned back into an upright standing position. "Can we go to dinner?"

"Yes of course babes. Ill be right there." I called back to draco, as i started walking out of the room, making sure to stop at bellatrix, and lean in to whisper in her ear. "Maybe later." She scoffed at my statement, looking me up and down as i left the room, draco in tow. Draco did really look amazing. His dress was sinched by a belt at the waist, since it was still too big for him. He wore heels that matched his outfit, and i had done his makeup to make him look like a little present. He was adorable. I couldn't wait to see what his family said. Draco reached down and grabbed my hand as we neared the dining room, his palms sweaty. I looked up into his face, which was creased with worry.

"You alright dray?"

"F-fine." Draco stammered, swallowing hard, and stopping in his tracks. "Reckon my dad'll kick me out?"

"You know what." I said, lifting up our hands, and swinging them, making draco smile a bit. "Who fucking cares."

"Y/n!" Draco whisper yelled, a full smile appearing on his face, as he giggled at my words.

A second chanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang