A second chance Part 16

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Chapter 16

"GET UP GET UP! ITS CHRISTMASSSSSS!" A child yelled, running down the hall. Oh wait, that's just draco. Bellatrix was still asleep beside me, although i doubted she would be for long, with all of dracos screaming. I was right. The woman next to me stretched her arms, as her eyes fluttered open, eyeing me next to her, and pulling me into a tight hug.

"Merry Christmas baby." Bellatrix yawned down at me, and i smiled back up at her.

"Merry Christmas babe."

Bella and i were greeted by a room FILLED with presents, as we emerged from her room.

"Woah." The sixteen foot Christmas tree looked tiny compared to the sea of presents that were laid out all over the floor, and draco sat on the floor, next to his empty stocking, sucking on some sort of candy like a happy child.

"Hi guyf itf chrifmif!" Draco said, grinning, his mouth full with whatever was in his stocking.

"Good morning girls!" Narcissa exclaimed, rushing over to give us both massive hugs, as we entered the room, taking in the whole scene. "Dracos a bit excited this morning don't you think?" His mom said laughing at draco, as he stuffed a handful of every flavour beans in his mouth. She shook her head at him, smiling as she turned back to us. "Come take a seat! We're about to open presents!" Huh?

"Mrs. malfoy?" I asked, and the woman cocked her head.

"Yes love?"

"Um... do i have presents?" She nodded excitedly, as she grabbed my hand, leading me to the couch to take a seat.

"You do darling!" She grinned, laughing at me as my eyes widened, as i turned into a draco. "Even your parents sent some." My eyes widened even more.

"Woah... really?" She just nodded again.

"Can i open some mum?" Draco called from the middle of the room of presents, and narcissa nodded at him, as he held up a box. That was my present.

"Hey draco?" He looked at me, confused.


"How about you wait to open that one." Draco just shrugged, grabbing another from the pile he had gathered.

it took three hours, and some cinnamon rolls, but we finally finished opening all the presents. Draco was happy with his haul. He got some dresses that were his own size, some decorations, some other clothes, and of course, knowing draco, he got candy. LOADS of it too. Bellatrix had gotten a Tom of things for her dorm, including a 'haunted mirror' which she laughed at, because she knew hat i would make her cover it whenever we had sex in her dorm. She was right. Haunted or not, that thing freaked me out. She also got a new corset, which was HOT. Even i got some presents. I had been given some clothes, which i loved, and my parents had sent me some books too. Well... not really. They were brochures from wherever the hell they were. Screw them. I guess after that it was time for personal presents, because draco grabbed me, and my present, and dragged me off to his room, stopping right outside the door.

"Can we open them now?" I nodded, smirking at how excited he looked, and he grinned, pulling me into his room, and swapping presents with me, ripping the ribbon off of his little box, and removing the top. His face screwed up, as he looked in the box, confused. "What is it?" I smirked. To be honest, I hadn't known what it was before i bought it either.

"It's called a gift card." He looked up at me, still confused. "It's a muggle thing." His eyes lit up. Draco loved muggle stuff. "Basically you take it to a muggle store, and they scan this code thing, and you get free stuff." Dracos eyes widened, as he grinned at me, his excitement bubbling over.

"Where's it for?"

"The muggle store is called Victoria's Secret." He still looked confused. "It's like for bras and underwear and shit. I thought you could get a couple new outfits."

"THANK YOU SO MUCH Y/N!" Draco yelled, pulling me into a hug. "Damn. I get to go to a muggle store." He sighed in disbelief, as he handed me my box. I ripped off the paper, as i looked in the box to see what draco had given me. Merlin. I lifted it out of the box, and was blinded by white lace. Bella was gonna love it.

Delicious smells wafted through the house, as narcissa helped he house elves prepare our three course dinner, and bella, draco, and I played outside, making snowmen in the freshly fallen snow. It was perfect. Cold, but perfect. So were the stars that bella and i stared at, in the snow on our backs, just simply stargazing. Then the woman beside me sat up, pulling out a long grey box, and smirking as she handed it to me.

"Here ya go kitten." I smiled.

"Aww babe you shouldn't have." I smirked back as i pulled out a little box of my own, handing it over to my girlfriend, as she slid off the top, gasping as she looked inside.

"It's your perfume!"

"Damn right." I laughed. "Now everything can smell like me" i said, as i slid off my own boxes top, revealing a beautiful gift. "Oh my god." I whispered, staring at its silver and back beauty, as i pulled the brand new quill out of its box.

"Now you can start writing ME letters." I nodded, as i pushed the box away, opening my arms for my girlfriend to fall into, and i cradled her, planting kissed on her forehead. "Hey." Bella said, a devious look on her face. "I saw what draco gave you. Wanna test it out?" 

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