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I walked into the office a few weeks later to be greeted by Jon surrounded by interns. In his hand, he had his coffee and by his side was presumably mine as he was surely waiting for me when he was accosted. He sat on one of the empty desks while he spoke to them, all with looks of awe and amazement.

I quirked my eyebrows together and walked up to the scene. "What's going on here?" I asked them, looking to Jon at my left and then at the interns before us.

Jon faced me, keeping that grin from before, while handing me my coffee. "I was just telling them about some of the documentaries I worked on. The people I got to meet and places I got to go," he replied for the nervous interns.

I sipped my coffee and looked back at the group who all looked like they had just seen Medusa. "Cool," I hummed, nodding my head.

The flock all sputtered out words of excuse in an attempt to leave my presence. All of their statements consisted of, "I've got this thing to do" or "I forgot about this," all just to get away from me. How hurtful.

Once they all left I turned back at Jon with a distraught look, "are they scared of me?" I wondered.

Jon shrugged and brought his cup to his lips, "did you torture them or something?"

"No!" I replied defensively, "the most I have them do is errands. I try not to be mean."

"Maybe you're just intimidating," he joked.

I rolled my eyes at his last quip when my phone buzzed. I took it from my jacket's pocket and read the screen. A smile spread across my lips and I looked back up at Jon, "I've got a surprise for you," I sang as I quickly went off to my office. I could hear Jon's shoes clacking behind me as I unlocked my doors and pulled out my tablet. I tapped through a few tabs before I pulled up an email for him to read. "Look," I pointed to the screen while handing it to him.

His hands grasped the device, holding it delicately because he knew how valuable that simple device was to me. However, he knew to have enough clutch that it wouldn't slip from his grasp. "An interview?" He questioned as he looked back up at me.

"A local Atlanta radio show contacted me super late yesterday and asked if they could get you on this afternoon. I know this is kind of short notice, but it's 15 minutes on the air at 3. If you don't think you're prepared enough, I can call and cancel," I explained to him, still wearing a giddied grin across my lips.

Finally, he reflected that grin and shook his head. "Let the show go on."

"You think you can handle it? They're going to ask questions we probably haven't gone over. I don't need you getting stage-fright." But who was I kidding? Jon was sharp. This was child's play, a completely unplanned radio conference with a prominent Atlanta channel. Surely, he could do this in his sleep without any preparation.

"I should be fine. Do you know what the topic is?" He asked.

"They just said they wanted to get to know you, and to show the greater Atlanta area who their Democratic candidate will be in November. They'll ask about policies, opinions, and so on. The normal stuff," I answered while watching his unchanging expression of excitement. Jon's excitement wasn't quite as exuberant as mine, however, where I would raise my eyebrows and grin ear to ear, he tried to keep his excitement conservative. In his eyes, you could see the fireworks of glee shooting off and the childish zeal that was resonating in his soul.

"I think this will be fun," he told me with that grin still on his lips.

Two thirty rolled around and I was sitting in my office with Jon in front of me, both of us with the scraps of lunch in front of us whilst going over a few more topics of discussion. I always made sure to find the time to review his talking points before he went out. Because information stuck to him like a fly trap, it was easy to get him proficient in answering questions. I was sure that in the future he wouldn't need my help developing his processes, which I had grown to accept with every candidate, but I hoped he would still console with me even before his victory speech.

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