The First Flight

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

"But how did you survive" asked Astrid

"Oh, Toothless and Cloudjumper never meant to harm us. They must have thought... we belonged here." said mum as we started walking down a rock slope to Moonwing

"Which we do." I said

"This is the home of the great Bewilderbeast, the Alpha species. One of the few that still exist. every nest has its queen but this is the king of all dragons" said Hiccup

"We all live under his care and command..." said mum

"all but the babies of course... who, listen to no one" I added laughing as the babies jumped on Moonwing

Moonwing stood up, mum, Toothless, Cloudjumper and I bowed down to Moonwing, Astrid stood in shock to see how big Moonwing was

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Moonwing stood up, mum, Toothless, Cloudjumper and I bowed down to Moonwing, Astrid stood in shock to see how big Moonwing was

"Who is this girl?" bellowed Moonwing

"My king, this girl is like a daughter to me. I don't wish to hurt her." said mum in dragonese

"Will she be allowed to stay, father?" I asked in dragonese

"Very well, but if she hurts anyone from my family including  any of you two, she leaves." Moonwind warned us

"Yes father." I said in dragonese we looked at Astrid

"You... you two can talk to dragons." she gasped, we nodded

"Moonwing said you can stay here, as long as you don't hurt any of the dragons,"I said

"Hurt the Dragons," Astrid scoffed

"they've killed HUNDREDS OF US!" she shrieked, the Dragons got scared

"AND YOU'VE KILLED THOUSANDS OF THEM, dragons are wonderful, kind, gentle creatures that can bring people together." I said to Astrid

"More like tear them apart" she said pointing at my peg leg

"This happened when I sacrificed my leg to save him" I said gesturing to a Snafflefang

"Why would you sacrifice your leg to save a monster" said Astrid

"What?! They are not monsters!" I protested

"Toothless, we have to show her that dragons aren't a threat" I said in dragonese

"How?" asked Toothless

"We take her for a flight" I said in dragonese, Toothless was shocked

"I am not letting that girl lay one finger on me" said Toothless

"Why?!" I said

"Because she is a human." said Toothless in a duh tone

"Then what do you think I am?!" I snapped in dragonese

"You make a point. Fine, but she has to apologize first." said Toothless I stared at him

"Thank you for nothing you useless reptile" I said in dragonese Toothless through me in the air caught me on the saddle and took Astrid by his paws

"AAH oh great Odin's ghost! this is it! AAH!" said Astrid under her breath and yelled. Toothless put her on a tree on an ice cliff.

"HICCUP! GET ME DOWN FROM! NOW!" ordered Astrid

"You have to give me a chance to explain." I said

"I AM NOT LISTENING TO ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO SAY!" yelled Astrid trying to hold on tighter to the branch

"Then I won't speak. Just let me show you. Please, Astrid." I said and the branch Astrid was on broke and she fell

"Toothless, catch!" I ordered in dragonese

"No, I'm not going to catch her" said Toothless

"Oh for Thor sake. Stormfly, catch!" I ordered in dragonese, Stormfly caught Astrid by her paws when Astrid was only two meters from the ground

"AAHHHH! I'M DEAD! I'M DEAD!" yelled Astrid, her eyes were closed she opened her eyes and looked up and saw that Stormfly caught her. Stormfly put her down and purred cudleing her head on Astrid's forearm. Toothless and I landed next to them

"Now did that change your mind about dragons?" I asked Astrid

"No!" she snapped

"Toothless we have to change her mind" I said in dragonese

"Fine." grunted Toothless

"OK come with me" I said to Astrid, mounting Toothless

"Going with the person who just tried to kill me, I don't think so." snapped Astrid

"Just give me one chance, just one." I said to Astrid

"Fine, but only one chance" she said mounting Toothless

"C'mon Toothless." I said Toothless he shot into the air and out the nest

"AAH TOOTHLESS! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! BAD DRAGON! BAD DRAGON!" I yelled, he flew above the clouds

"He's not usually like this." I said to Astrid, then realized he was going to dive down went into the water came out he did went into the water again and came out again

"Toothless, what are you doing? We need her to like us!" I said in dragonese

"I'm going to do this till she doesn't apologize" said Toothless, he shot into the air and started spinning.

"And now he's spinning." I said

"Thank you for nothing you useless reptile." I said to Toothless and dove down again

"OK. I'm sorry! I'm sorry. Just get me off of this thing." said Astrid

"You happy now, or you want to torture her more." I snapped in dragonese

"No I'm done." replied Toothless flew above the clouds and glided

Astrid's P.O.V.

"OK. I'm sorry! I'm sorry. Just get me off of this thing" I said, Hiccup said something in dragonese Toothless replied back with a growl, he flew above the clouds and glided

"Hey, have a look." said Hiccup, I opened my eyes and looked up it was so beautiful and romantic. Shut up Astrid I snapped to myself. I touched the clouds I felt so free Toothless flew through the cloud in front of us it looked as if it was night we could see the northern lights Hiccup said something to Toothless in dragonese

Hiccup's P.O.V.

"Hey, have a look" I said, Astrid opened her eyes and looked up and touched the clouds Toothless flew through the cloud in front of us it looked as if it was night we could see the northern lights

"Really, you never showed me this." I said in dragonese

"I'm trying to get her to like you, like you do" said Toothless

"Shut up." I snapped at him in dragonese, Astrid looked at Toothless he gave her a gummy smile Astrid put her arms around me and leaned her head on my shoulder

"All right, I admit it this is pretty cool, I guess the dragons aren't a threat. Their amazing, he's amazing" said Astrid patting Toothless

"I'm hungry it's feeding time" said Toothless

"Yeah I know bud, let's go home," I said in dragonese

"You must be hungry." I said

"Er- yeah, I could eat" said Astrid

"Good. It's feeding time" I said

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