Back to Berk

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 Hiccup's P.O.V.

We were all packing to leave for Berk, I'm going to miss all the dragons, mostly Moonwing. He was like a father to me. I sighed in sadly

"Babe, you OK?" asked Astrid worriedly

"Yeah." I said trying to hide my sadness

"Oh come on, you can tell me, you trust me, right?" asked Astrid

"Yeah, of course, I do." I said

"Then tell me what is it." said Astrid

"It just that, I've lived here my whole life, all the dragons here are my brothers and sisters, and you already know that Moonwing is like a father to me, like the way a shadow can't stay away from the human, the same way a son can't stay away from his father." I said sitting down

"Awe Hiccup, tell you what, we'll come here once every two weeks. How does that sound." said Astrid, she so sweet and kind

"Oh Astrid, what would I do without you?" I said

"I'm not going to go anywhere, why don't you say bye to Moonwing?!" said Astrid

"No! If I go to him I won't be able to leave today" I said

"OK, I'll come with you" said Astrid interlocking our hands

"OK." we went out of the cave down the rock slope Moonwing was sleeping in his pool Astrid and I climbed on one to his tusks.

"Hey father," I said waking Moonwing up

"Hiccup, you're up so early? It's only five in the morning" said Moonwing

"Didn't mum tell you? We're going to Berk..." I said sadly, looking down

"She did, but I didn't want to show you my sadness, I'm going to miss you, son." said Moonwing I let go of Astrid's hand and ran across Moonwing's tusk and hugged him

"I'm gonna miss you too, father." I said in dragonese, tearing up, I looked up at Moonwing he was tearing up too

"Take my tears with you." said Moonwing

"Astrid, go get a flask." I ordered, Astrid ran off and came back with a flask and handed it to me

"Thanks." I said to Astrid, I took Moonwing tears

"Why do you want me to take your tears with me" I asked in dragonese Moonwing

"My tears contain healing powers, son. You will need them in the future." said Moonwing looking at Astrid

"You mean that something is going to happen to her." I asked in dragonese, Moonwing nodded

"No! I won't let anything happen to her." I said in dragonese

"You can't change the future, son, you can only be prepared for it." said Moonwing

Time skip

"Er... mum, how will Gobber and dad come to Berk? 'Cause Toothless, Cloudjumper, Hookfang and I blew their ship to splinters." I said

"Valka! Some of your dragons blew our ship up." said Dad running in,

"Er... dad, about that, I did it." I said

"Oh, very well, I'll just have to make a raft then." said dad was going to walk out

"Oh wait! I have a better idea." I said I made a loud and sharp whistle and a minute later Skullhorn (Skullhorn is Skullcrusher) came into the cave

"Dad, meet your dragon, Skullhorn!" I said

"No way! I prefer to be on the ground." said dad

"Oh, just give it a try, Stoick." said mum

"Fine." grunted dad

"OK, put your hand out and turn your head the other way." I said, dad did as I said, Skullhorn nuzzled dad's hand

"Wow, I guess dragons aren't dangerous after all." said dad

"What did you say his name was, son?" asked dad

"Skullhorn." I said

"Skullhorn eh, Skullcrusher's more like it" said dad

Time skip

I said my buys to all the dragons trying not to cry, Gobber was going to fly with dad. After we left the nest

"Let's go above the clouds, bud. I need to let my feelings out, and I don't want to cry in front of dad." I said to Toothless in Dragonese

"OK." said Toothless Toothless flew above the clouds I cried very hard

Astrid's P.O.V.

I heard crying from above the clouds

"Must be Hiccup." I thought aloud

"Let's go have a look, girl." I said to Stormfly, she flew above the clouds. I saw Hiccup and Toothless up ahead. Stormfly flew next to Toothless, who realized us there but Hiccup didn't, I can't even imagine the pain he is feeling

"Hiccup, it'll be OK, it's not like you won't see them again." I said trying to comfort him

"Leaving the nest... isn't the only thing... I'm crying about" said Hiccup

"What is the other reason?" I asked

"Losing you." said Hiccup. What? Thinks he might lose me? I thought

"What do you mean?" I asked him trying to hold back my tears

"Bewilderbeast tears have healing powers," said Hiccup removing the flask I had given him to take Moonwing's tears

"He said I will need his tears in the future." said Hiccup

"How does he know that you will need his tears in the future?" I asked

"Moonwing can see the future, but not clearly." said Hiccup

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