chapter 1

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Harry, Ron and Hermione were all in their second year at Hogwarts. Each hoped that they could forget last years shenanigans and start again, but with the building pressure for Harry, after seeing Voldemort again, maybe things wont be so easy.

All three pelted down the corridor, late for their new lesson-  the language of the Aviators- At the beginning, where Dumbledore greeted the new first years, a new subject was introduced as well as a new professor. Now Harry, Ron, and Hermione were late.

Harry, who was running too fast, bumped into someone. He fell to the floor with a thump and a wince. Ron tripped over Harry and crashed face first into the floor. Hermione managed to skip over the two boys and was steadied by the person they had bumped into.

"Whoa! Watch it you three" someone said "Don't want to cause a pile up do ya?"

Hermione glanced up to see a fellow Gryffindor. He looked older, and had a mop of brown hair and a light stubble. His green eyes watched with concern at the boys on the floor. He stooped down and helped them up

"Sorry mate" Ron apologised and Harry nodded along as they dusted off their robes.

"Nah its fine. Didn't do me no harm, unlike the redhead". The older boy glanced at Ron "Looks like you got a nose bleed boy".

Rons hand shot up to his nose to pull back with a handful of blood

"Bloody hell" he murmured "Don't think i broke anything though"

The fellow Gryffindor nodded " it should clear up in a second"

Harry hummed "sorry again..." he trailed off 

"oh right!" the older student held out a hand "Nick Armstrong, forth year. Nice to meet cha. But please call me Sapnap"

The three smiled at him, before Hermione let out a gasp of horror "we're late!" she shrieked.

Harry and Ron's smiles quickly turned into worry and their eyes flew wide, they rushed forward but was stopped by Nick

"hold on buckaroo's" He questioned "which lesson are you late to?"

"The language of the Aviators" Hermione quickly said 

Nick blinked in surprise "oh, you mean Professor Phil's class" the three looked at him "i'm as shocked as you are, thats the only class i actually know about"

"could you please tell us a short cut" Ron scrubbed at the blood on his face

Nick nodded and pointed towards a staircase, one they would have missed if they hadn't bumped into him. "up there and turn left, next to the astronomy tower is his class room. don't worry to much though, Phil's a nice guy"

the three thanked him and raced up the staircase. towards the end Harry and Ron were wheezing heavily and were on the verge of collapsing, Hermione glanced at the two in disgust before turning around and reaching up at the door knocker, and noted how it was carved like a pair of wings, she briefly touched it before it came to life, she stepped back as the wings banged on the door in a rhythmic pattern, like they were trying to get free. 

the door opened to reveal a large room, long windows covered the walls and desks were in rows, similar to the potions lab, a young man (to the professor standards anyway) stood at the doorway. his eyes lit up as he took in the students "ah! there you are, i thought i would have to send someone to look for you three" the professor side stepped to allow them in

as they walked in, Harry noticed that the professors green robe was engraved with a pair of beautifully detailed wings, each lined with a fine stitching of gold thread. Phil stood at the front as Harry and Ron sat at an empty desk, and Hermione sat with her Ravenclaw friend.

Phil clapped his hands together and grinned "hello class, and welcome to the first lesson of the 'Language of the Aviators'. Today we wont get straight into the work and instead i'll tell you about what we are going to do this year"

class cheered and put away their scrolls and quills


Harry walked along the corridor without his friends. Hermione was in the library and Ron was trying to persuade his brother Percy to help him with his transfiguration homework. As he walked he heard a familiar voice. Harry turned a corner and saw Nick.

"Ni- Sapnap!" he called and the older boy turned around, he spotted Harry and smiled before waving him over 

Harry noticed another boy wearing Ravenclaw robes with Nick, he had goggles resting oh his slick brown hair and had brown eyes. Though he was shorter than Nick, he had sharper facial features and nose.

"Sapnap, who's this?" his accent was familiar to Harry (as it was British) and the younger boy relaxed slightly 

Nick jolted "oh right. umm. kid who bumped into me meet George, he's a sixth year. George meet the kid who bumped into me" 

Harry waved slightly and George nodded his head before squinting at him "i feel like i should know you" he said 

Harry opened his mouth to introduce himself but was interrupted as someone smacked both Nick and George on the heads, he wore Slytherin robes and had dark blond hair, he was taller than all three and had green eyes that were similar to Harry, but he strangely had a mask on the lower half of his face. 

"you idiots" he laughed "thats Harry Potter" the two rubbed the back of their heads and looked at Harry

"oh." Nick said 

The boy stepped forward and held out a hand for Harry to shake "Im Dream, fith year, nice to meet you mister Potter" Harry eyed his hand suspiciously and saw he was wearing fingerless gloves. Harry quickly shook his hand before stepping back.

do all Slytherins look the same?

"i'm glad i could catch you actually" Dream said "i need you to give this to someone"

Dream held out a round package, it was flat, thin, and rather small. Harry took it and recognised it as a disk. 

"why do you need me to deliver this? and to who?" The second year asked 

"well Sapnap refuses to do it, and i need you to deliver it to a Gryffindor called Tommy" George looked at Dream surprised

Before the other boys could speak, Dream steered them around and began to head to the Great Hall 

"lets hope you don't blow something up on the way there!"


so, what do you think of the first chapter?

remember this is for fun!   


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