chapter 3

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It was after the game against Hufflepuff and Harry was in the long term medics ward. He was sitting up and currently conversing with a Gryffindor who was stationed next to him.

The student had an accident in transfiguration that resulted in him and a classmate growing animal appendages. The one Harry was talking to had grown fox ears and a tail, with some thin whiskers and clawed hands, his classmate now had a pair of ram's horns and slitted eyes like a goat.

The fox had introduced himself as Fundy, the name Harry had heard from Tommy and Wilbur's conversation, and his classmate called Shlatt. 

Shlatt was not talkative and as soon as Harry said hello, he turned on his side pretended to be asleep. He was visited once by a loud Ravenclaw with a beanie, who just sat next to Shlatt and began making jokes, but he soon left after Madam Pomfrey chased him out.

"you've heard the rumours right?" Fundy inquired "did you see the wall?"

Harry nodded his head, he remembered the blood written letters, they way Filch stared in horror at Harry when he found his cat. Harry shuddered.

Fundy twisted around and began to talk to Shlatt "hey, remember last year as-well!?"   

Shlatt looked unimpressed "you mean when wonder boy over there almost died and then was gifted points for almost killing everyone in the school? yea i remember"

Harry had the impression that Shlatt didn't like him, at all. 

"oh please, your just salty you were forced down from captain on the Slytherin quidditch team" Fundy laughed. 

Shlatt sat up and swung his legs over the hospital bed "say that again, you dumb ******* furry, i dare you" his tone became dangerous and he reached for his wand on the side table.

Fundy reached for his own "can't wait till i beat the **** out of you, Mr President" He mocked. This seemed to enrage Shlatt more as he lunged forward.


Harry watched as the two glared at each other from different ends of the room. Shlatt had a bandage wrapped around his stomach from when Fundy's claws slashed him, and Fundy had a cold ice package on his face from where the other clubbed him round the head.

Harry let out a low whistle. The fight was quick and short but it still resulted in them both having to stay another few days in the ward, Madam Pomfrey had said their sudden aggression was most probably the animal genes that had caused them to be there in the first place.

"what happened to them" asked Ron as he walked in with the twins 

"got into a fight i'm guessing" Fred said to George.

Harry rolled his eyes and looked at the three "what do you want?"

The twins gasped "oh Harry!" George cried "we're shocked you don't appreciate us visiting" Fred said dramatically. 

Ron shoved the two before sitting on the edge of Harry's bed " 'Mione insisted we give you the homework for Professor Phil's class"

"and why are you two here?" Harry asked the twins 

"we're not actually here for you" said Fred 

"yea, sorry Harry" said George before they both walked over to the slouching Shlatt.


Harry lay awake in the dark, listening in on the snoring students. Harry and taken another drink of the potion and couldn't get to sleep because of the sensation of his regrowing bones.

That was when Dobby decided to pop in.

Harry held Dobby's cloth with one hand and pulled him up, watching as he kicked the air. 

"Master Harry is in danger" Dobby hissed

"you hexed the bludger to attack me" Harry growled "and got me in trouble with my uncle" 

"it was to protect Master Harry" Dobby insisted 

The two bickered back and forth for a while before someone yelled "shut the **** up Potter" It was Shlatt. They quietened down and and waited till snoring continued.

Dobby left soon after when the teachers brought in a body, at least, thats what Harry thought it was. 

"poor boy" Mcgonagall said softly.

Professor Phil shifted his robe and looked at the boy in worry "this is getting out of hand"

Dumbledore nodded and stroked his beard "i'm afraid of what might happen if this continues"

Mcgonagall patted Phil on the shoulder "I will be alright, i'm sure we will stop this nonsense before it gets to your sons"

Phil thanked her before turning around and leaving the ward. 

Wizard smp (harry potter x Dream smp)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora