chapter 4

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a:n- i apologise that some aspects and events of the chamber of secrets are out of order. it has been a few years since i've read the book and i am just going off by memory

"are you sure Harry" Hermione asked him "i mean, just because Malfoy is suspicious, doesn't mean that he's the Heir of Slytherin"

Harry considered his options, ignoring the girl in front of him, and paced around the room "Dream is also an option. they way Tommy acts towards Dream shows that he has something to hide"

Ron looked up from his chess bored "you have to admit 'mione. Dream is suspicious, why does he always wear that mask then?"

Hermione looked at the two boys in exasperation "your both idiots. just because their in Slytherin does not mean that their the Heir. i mean it is a little silly to stereotype a house"

"what about stereotypes?" Someone asked 

The three jumped in surprise. They had thought that they were the only ones in the common room at the moment.

They looked up to see Nick leaning against the stairwell of the boys dorm room. 

"how much did you hear" Harry stood up

Nick raised his hands in a surrender "i didn't mean to eaves drop, just heard you guys talking and got curious"

Even with his joking tone and relaxed stance, he studied the trio, his green eyes flickered with an emotion none of them could place. Nick sighed and walked towards Ron before sitting down on the other side of the chess bored. No one said anything as he studied the game before instructing a pawn to move forward.

"Dream knows more than he lets on" Nick said, never looking up from the game. He moved a bishop to protect the king after Ron had made 'check' 

Hermione glanced at Harry "why are you telling us? aren't you his friend?"

"more of an acquaintance than a friend at the moment. we've known each other for a long time but..." he trailed off

Harry watched as the game got more heated, both sides had an equal amount of pieces on and off the bored. 

"you didn't hear it from me, but if you need any ingredients for your...potion, just ask for Quackity, he'll have anything you need for the right price" Nick said

how did he know? Harry was alarmed that Nick knew of their plans, but said nothing 

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows as Ron moved forward and destroyed Nicks queen and watched as the older boy slumped slightly before making the king 'fall over' signalling that Ron had won

"the games not over yet" Harry pointed out "he didn't get your king"

"its called the queens gambit Harry" Ron mumbled quietly "once the strongest pice is off the bored, the king no longer can fight back, its considered dishonourable if you continue to play"   

The older boy stood up and stretched "do what you want with Malfoy and the others, i don't really care, but if you get involved in Dream and Tommys business, i promise you, it will not end well"  


"excuse me!" a voice game from behind the trio

they turned around to see an obnoxiously tall boy run towards them. He had black and white hair, was waring a Hufflepuff tie and was clutching a book in-between his large hands. When he reached them he stopped to take a break and gasped for air 

"hello?" Hermione asked

The boy held a finger up to signal to give him a second to catch his breath before straightening up

"hi! i'm Ranboo" he talked quickly and was obviously tired out "could you tell me where astronomy tower is? i'm supposed to meet a friend there and i forgot and now i'm lost and i need some help"

"uhhhh..." Harry could barley catch what the other was saying

"yes, up those stairs and turn right and you'll find the ladder" Hermione said calmly 

Ranboo opened his book and scribbled down in the instructions. As he did that Harry could see that the notebook was titled and hand some form of scribble on the front, the book was well worn and obviously used, the tile read 'Memory Book (DO NOT READ)' and a small smily face was drawn on the spine  

He snapped the book shut and quickly thanked Hermione before sprinting up the stairs

Ron and Harry stood there with a bewildered expression on their faces

"'mione? who was that?" Ron asked

She rolled her eyes and grabbed onto the boys robes to drag them away "that was Ranboo. Did you not hear him introducing himself?"


She tightened her grip on the robes and huffed in annoyance "you're both really stupid sometimes"  

"Harry! did you see how bloody tall he was!? He was like a mountain!" 

Harry nodded slowly "yea, he was"

"if you two don't pick up your feet, i swear to Merl-" she was cut off by running into someone 

Hermione squeaked in surprise and stepped back.

"oh! i'm so sorry! i wasn't watching where i was going!" 

The three looked up again to see another Hufflepuff, who seemed to be apologising profusely to Hermione, and a slightly shorter Slytherin who looked exasperated at the other.

"Bad, you don't have to apologise. She ran into you" The Slytherin ran a hand down his face 

"Skeppy! don't be so rude!" The Hufflepuff, dubbed 'Bad', reprimanded his friend  

"nono, he's right, i should be apologising to you" Hermione said 

Why is everyone so tall? Harry thought as he looked 'Bad' up and down (canonically Bad is 9'5 or something) 

"whats going on?" Techno walked forward and eyed Harry for a few seconds 

Are we going to bump into everyone in the school today?

"Techno!" Skeppy grinned "good to see you"

Techno looked at Skeppy and gave him a small smile "Hallo. how are your exams going?"

At the mention of the exams, Skeppy seemed to deflate and Bad placed a hand on his shoulder 

"its alright Skeppy, there pretty easy when you get going"

"easy for you to say. you both passed them with flying colors" 

The trio shifted uncomfortably and began to scoot away from the conversation

"where are you three going?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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