Piggyback rides

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Y/n's pov

My eyes opened to the sound of an alarm ringing. I reached over and fumbled for the snooze button, hitting it and then resting once again. Then my eyes snapped open in panic. shit shit shit shit shit. did I really confess to him yesterday?!?

Welp. No going back to bed now.

I groaned at the memory of saying all those things to Fushiguro only to get rejected. I guess I wasn't exactly surprised. I mean who could really fall for someone like me. I sat up in my bed frowning as my bare arm grazed across my thigh. Fresh scabs from two days prior on both my wrists and thighs made things hurt a lot in the morning. I looked over my arms studying the many slashes of scars and cuts. I hated them. But at the same time, I loved it oh so much. Addiction has really fucked with my head.

I'm pulled from my thoughts as a loud banging noise sounds from my door.

"Are you up yet? Gojo sensei wants us earlier for a mission." I hear Nobara yell from the hallway.

"Yeah, I'm up," I yell from my bed.

"Then hurry up!" I listen to her footsteps as she walks away and I feel my stomach drop at the idea of getting up and seeing Fushiguro. I suppose I could just kill myself. I shake the thought from my head as I swing my legs over the bed frame. Quickly getting dressed and running out the door I meet up with all the first years. As they come into view I feel my heart pick up its pace at the sight of Fushiguros back to me.

"Hey, guys!" I say as I walk up to them automatically standing near Yuuji. I avoid Fushiguros gaze.

"Hey y/n!" Yuuji says with a large smile. I return the smile with ease and beam at him.

"So where's Gojo sensei?" I ask.

"He's away on vacation." I hear a monotone voice reply. I shiver as I paint a happy face on.

"Guess I should've known." I laugh nervously, only just barely glancing at him. I watch as Nobara raises a brow and opens her mouth to ask about my odd behavior.

"Well. I guess we should get going then!" I exclaim turning around and heading for the front gate as fast as I can.

"What's up with her?"

~12:10 pm~

"That wasn't too hard," I said stretching a bit as we stepped outside of the once cursed building. 

"I wonder why Gojo sensei wanted all of us to go?" Yuuji wondered as he dusted a bit of debris off his pants. 

"Maybe he just didn't want to leave one of us out," Nobara replied. 

"Seems like something he would do," I said yawning and sitting down at the foot of the steps. 

"Are you already tired?" Yuuji asked staring down at me. I rested my elbow on my knee and my head on my hand. My body ached and my eyelids felt heavy. 

"I'm not as fit as you guys. Of course, I'm tired." I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Some caffeine and I should be good." 

"I think we passed a coffee shop on the way here. We could go to that." I looked up to Nobara. 

"Alright. Someone might have to carry me though." 

"You can't be that tired!" Nobara exclaimed. 

"But I am," I whined. It wasn't necessarily a lie. I mean my legs did feel like they were on fire from all the running and jumping and shit. "Yuuji carry me!" 

"What why me?" Yuuji yells.

"You have superhuman strength!" I argue. "Cmon please? I'll buy you coffee." 

"Fine." He says. 

"Yes," I shouted jumping into the air and motioning for him to turn around. He complied and I jumped onto his back. 

"Oh, I guess you're not that heavy." He said once I got situated on his back and he stood up. 

"Of course I'm not you idiot!" I hit the back of his head. I ignored the little sting that pained my chest from the comment. 

"Ow, that hurt." He replied. I looked around at the view. I felt much taller. I gawked at the idea of being taller than Fushiguro and instinctively looked over to him. 

"Woah I can see right over your head, Fushiguro!" I exclaimed. His face barely changed from that stone-cold expression and his eyes flicked up to meet my own. 

"Great." He replied. His tone was cold and bitter. I frowned wondering if what I said to him the other day upset him. He seemed fine this morning. He walked past me following Nobara who was muttering about never getting a piggyback ride herself.

"What's his problem!" I asked Yuuji as he started to follow them. 

"He's just jealous." He replied I could hear the annoyance in his voice. 

"Why would Fushiguro want a piggyback ride?"


Oh man, my writing felt so off in the second scene. I'm truly sorry that you had to read that. It gets better I promise. Please stay.

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