Extra: What Megumi Thinks About You

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Hello :) here's a little extra for you. This is in a different style than my usual writing so I hope you enjoy something new.


If Megumi had to pick one word to describe you it would be perfect. Well, more like perfectly imperfect. While you do have your faults he finds them all the more attractive. If you have scars he would trace them with pure fascination and love. He thinks that the things others think are wrong make you human. He wants to date a person, not an object. He loves every little thing about you. From the way you hold your pen to your biggest dreams and largest goals, he loves you for you.

I think that Megumi would really love silently watching you do something you love. Whether it be watching you read or shop or listen to your favorite music. He loves the look in your eyes, and he only wishes you would look at him like that.

Megumi loves being in your company. You don't need to talk or even touch, just being in the same room as you makes him feel whole again. Almost as if when you leave a part of him goes with you. When you're together he makes sure to smile every now and then because he knows you love his smile. He tries his best to be as gentle and nice as possible.

Megumi is definitely always nervous around you. He feels like he's going to mess up and say the wrong things or do something bad. He's normally fighting his nerves at all times. His face is always stoic on the outside but on the inside, he's anxious as heck.


That's all for now. Thank you for reading and the next extra will be out soon. 

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