hi I'm crazy

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i grabbed my bag and walked to school which was literally two blocks away. As i passed the now empty halls i breathed in the glorious scent of suffering and smiled this should be fun. i knocked on the door which said principal on it. 

"Come in!" i opened the door to a short lady with a black bob, large round glasses, pierced lips she reminded me of Edna from the Incredibles. "Sit dharling." Wow she even had the accent to go with the appearance and she motioned to the chair in front of her desk.

 I sat down and smiled at her before lifting my hand towards her " Good morning, ma'am I'm Diane Cruz." She stared at my hand for a second sprayed it with sanitiser then proceeded to shake it. 

" With manners like that you'll be a Chloe in no time." I looked at her questionably. 

"Excuse me?" 

"Nothing dharling... well you must be waiting for your schedule and all that." She hands me a schedule and i receive a text which turned out to be the school map. I thank her and walk myself out. Unorthodox much. i look down at my schedule double math first. I reach classroom H and take a deep breath. i knock and a deep Italian voice replies

"Come in!" . I walk into class and immediately receive multiples pairs of eyes staring at me i look at the floor and give a slip of paper to the teacher he recieves and takes a second the read it before standing up. "Class as you can see we have a new classroom so ms would you like to introduce yourself." i look at the floor and lowly said " hi. My name's April." 

"Would you like to say something about yourself?" 

What do you want my past trauma or favourite colour. "uhm i like black?"

"thank you for that you can sit next to Victoria."  She motioned at a girl in the third row she looked up from what she was doing and smiled at me."i expect you to help our friend here catch up with what we've covered." 

" Yes sir." As i reached the table she put her bag on the ground and pulled out my chair for me. 

"Hi my name's Victoria as you obviously know, nice to meet you i hope we're going to be great, i'd love to show you around campus if you like, i love your bag btw." She had this bright smile with the deepest dimples I've ever seen on both sides of her face. Her kinky hair was twisted and she had it in a ponytail except for one hair which feel on the left side of her face. Her deep brown eyes sparkled and i noticed she was missing a canine on her top row. She looked cute with large lips and a button nose. 

" So, umm which question should i answer first. She laughed for a sec and seemed to be thinking when she pointed at the math. 

"OK let me slow down my name's Victoria and i'm supposed to be helping you with math right okay let's talk when you're done." She showed me the text book and explained with excitement in her voice she really loved this subject huh. After 4 minutes she showed what i was supposed to do and finally looked up."So do you understand?" i nodded and then started with my exercise. 

 after one minute " Mr Svatek i'm finished with the exercise!" 

without even sparing a glance he replied " Do the extra."

"i already did."
" How many?"
" four."

" okay then read a book or help your classmates."

She pulled out a thick book and started reading. She seemed to be lost in it when i tapped her shoulder. "How are you done with all that you hadn't even started when i walked in?"

She shrugged and continued reading before turning around "Hey Anne of green gables say hi would you." A stout boy with a smirk on his face looked up he was also reading.He faced me and smiled.

" I hope you survive with this crazy chick next to you, let me tell you she insane." Vicky looked at me and shook her head.
" He's the crazy one i'm pretty sure he goes to therapy."

" They're supposed to be your sessions and you told me to just like you."
I must've looked shocked because they both started laughing. "Sorry but we just like seeing how people react to us."

" Hey April is it, i'm Andrew resident intelligent person and as a smart person i suggest you run from this chick."

She rolled her eyes at that and continued reading. " You know you love me."

"You're crazy April." i looked at him confused.

"Oh i meant crazy over there," pointing at Victoria " she likes being called April she won't reply to anything else." 

Vic looked at me and smiled "From now on we're twins okay?" Confused i nodded when the bell sounded and no one packed until 1 minute later when Mr Svatek told the class we were dismissed. Five people out of the whole class thanked him and we left Victoria leading me by the arm. I guess i had friends now, crazy, super smart and funny friends this was going to be fun.

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