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We grabbed our trays in the cafeteria and i followed her around and she gave me the breakdown of the place where to sit and where not to sit. When we reached girl's table i stopped for a second but then continued to follow her to a seat filler with boys. She's either a tomboy or has a major crush take your pick. 

" Hey bakka." She was smiling like a mad man. I laughed at her. The tall guy next to her answered.

"Hey sis." i looked at them comparing features.

"Not to be rude but you look nothing alike." i said it silently hoping he wouldn't hear me.

"Oh she's not my biological sister she just came up to me and begged me to be her sister." 

"Oh yeah! April this is Dandre my brother, Dandre April my twin sister you're siblings." She proceed to eat her food quickly but surprisingly no messily. 

"Hi April i'm guessing you were forced into her family too." i smiled and nodded.

"If i were you i'd eat quickly i don't want to wipe the table." She whispered this so that i would be the only one to hear her and proceeded to eat her remaining food.  I nodded and quickly ate. When we finished we put our plates and she introduced me to everyone. 

"So obviously you know Anne of green gables and Dan. "  i nodded Andrew and Dandre, "this is Collen and Diego she pointed at two guys who had been quiet the entire." "Collen's the funny one helps survive prep and Diego's the nice one which i something this school really needs."  

"Nice to meet you." they mumbled replies and continued eating. 

"OK so the one who looks like a fashion designer is my third brother meet Brandon, always has a brand on him." she whispered the last part and the guy really did seem like the kind who'd always have a brand on him. She excitedly greeted me and complimented my hair.

"Slow down Bran flakes she's still new and honestly i don't ship it." The two guy smirked whilst Bran fla- i mean Brandom glared at April, April Vicky. We walked away and i waved at them before we exited the hall. 

We walked side by side asking about where everything was the teachers and most importantly the students. 

We had reached a moment of silence exhausting all conversation when April Vicky looked at me and dead panned "If a girl slaps you on the butt just ignore and silently wait for your revenge." We stared at each other in solemn silence before bursting out laughing. 

"Wth i though you were serious for a second." She continued laughing.

"I'm dead serious, it's just saying it out loud is weirder than i though it w'd be."

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