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The banging continues as Xavier still sits on the cabin floor.

"You gotta get up, man. We can't give up without a fight," Trevor gets angry as we try to get Xavier up.

"That's karma coming through that door, and there's nothing we can do to stop it," Xavier looks up at Trevor emotionless.

"I could really use one of those ludes right now," Montana mumbles.

The banging suddenly stops and I look back at my friends. The footsteps grow further and further away as the keys jingle away.

Trevor shushes us and I sit back into Xavier again, watching to see what Trevor is doing. He slowly walks to the door, staying low to the ground, and looks outside to make sure the coast is clear.

"Is he still there?" I whisper.

"I don't see anything," Trevor answers.

I look at him for another second before looking to my left. Through the window, a black hooded figure stands there staring at us.

I scream and grab Xavier and Montana tightly as Mr. Jingles smashes the window. He throws a flaming object into the window near my feet causing Xavier to pull me back with him and Montana.

Trevor rushes up to his feet and stomps out the fire, releasing a horrid smell into the air.

"Oh, God," he shouts as he notices the dark goo on his shoes, "Shit. It's a bag of shit!"

I dig my nose into Xavier's arm as Montana does the same to me, gagging slightly.

"Nice throw, bro."

"Dude, that shit was awesome."

"See how it lit on fire?"

Trevor rips open the door, rushing outside to the commotion.

"Jingle, Jingle!"

"He got shit all over his shoes," the kids cheer from outside.

"Happy Jingles Day, douchewads."

Montana and I join Trevor outside to see the stupid kids with Mr. Jingles costumes on, laughing at our reactions.

"I've been collecting my shit for three weeks," one kid says.

Xavier comes up behind me, grabbing my hand.

"Totally worth it," the other kid laughs, high-fiving his friend.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask angrily.

"We're Mr. Jingles. Duh," the kid teases.

"You've been collecting your own shit?" Montana asks.

"Get any weird phone calls lately?" The two kids laugh.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I angrily step towards the kids.

"It's a tradition, babe. On the anniversary of the massacre. Kids pull pranks in stores and restaurants and screw with people," the kid explains.

"Fucking townie assholes," Montana spits angrily causing the kids to groan at her.

Keys start jingling in the distance, coming closer to our cabin. Mr. Jingles comes out of the darkness, wearing his hood and keys. Xavier grabs me, pulling me closer to him as I cover my mouth in fear.

"Hey. Way too late, wide load. You totally missed it. They were so frickin' scared."

As the kid begins to laugh, Mr. Jingles steps forward and sticks a large knife start through the kid's stomach, grabbing the mask off of his face and examining it as blood starts gushing out of the kid's mouth.

AHS // 1984// Xavier PlymptonWhere stories live. Discover now