chapter 12

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after our little group hug we separated  and all took a set on the couch. my eyes wondereds all over the tour bus, the was a little sitting area that we were in,a little kitchen area, a bathroom area and finally in the back the beds.

"so where we headed?" I asked, I looked up and say a huge smile appear on Niall's face. "we're starting our tour in Ireland" niall said excitedly jumping in his seat "I'm going home, I can't wait for you to meet my family they're going to love you."

"cool, I've never been to Ireland or anywhere if you think of it, so this is going to be exciting" I said, smiling looking at the boys who are now smiling back as excited as well.

At that moment I realized I was still wearing the same clothes from last night. "hey guys, did you guys managed to bring me some clothes for my room after you guys brought me to the tour bus?" I said curious. The boys look from one to the other as if I asked them a mind blowing Mathematical equation.

"oh Shit" louis said looking at Zayn, " we forgot to grab her clothes after she was unconscious" Louis said, looking apologetic. "so no clothes, nice" I said.

"you can borrow clothes from us and once we get to Ireland we can take you shopping" Liam said smiling at me. I smiled in return, these boys are about to change my life.

"so what were you guys up to before I  barged in and interrupted everything?" I asked looking around at the boys faces. "  well liam and Harry were on Twitter, Niall was eating, and Louis and I were watching the telly" Zayn said next to me. I just shook my head,  looking down at the clothes I'm in. I was still in my pajamas that  I was wearing yesterday.

" oh oh ya clothes ,follow me" liam said quickly getting up and walking towards the beds area, I got up and followed him to the back. he grabbed a shirt from a bag that was laying in the floor of the bed I was sleeping on, then he grabbed a pair of boy shorts fron a bag that was laying on the floor at the end of the bus.

" here you are" he said as he handed me the clothes, "I think these should fit".

"thank you liam" I said looking down at the closer that are in my hands. "no problem, i'll just leave you so you can change." he walked out and closed the door behind him. I started to get change , I slipped on the shorts that liam gave to be they were small so I'm guess they belong to Niall. after I slipped on the shorts I took off my shirt, I realized there was a long mirror at the end where the last bonk bed was. I walked over to examen the damage left from the last beating I got from Lilly the evil bitch of a stepmother.  I saw that a few of my ribs were bruised, I had some bruises on my stomach. I turn around to see the damage on my back I had a few bruises and cuts on the bottom half of my back and on top were scars from previous beatings. Before I can react the door swang open and revealing a tall figure at the door.

<Zayn POV>

liam walked out of the room and walked to the couch and sat next to me. " I gave her one of your shirts and on of Niall's boy shorts" he said to me, I nodded and looked back at the door. a few minutes past as I still stared at the door, waiting for it to open.

minutes pass and she still hasnt come out, I figured I should go check up on her to make sure she's ok. I opened the door to find Anna in her bra and a pair if shorts,looking at her reflection in the mirror. the first thing I notice was all the scars and bruises  on her body. as soon as she noticed me she quickly pull the shirt I'm guessing liam gave her.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" I step closer as I continued " when you did come out I got worried so I came to check on you". she didnt  look up as she wakes to set on one of the beds. I saw a tear run down her face, before she can wipe it way I was on my nees infront of her. I wiped the tears from her beautiful face.

"I'm sorry,I don't even know why I'm crying, I'm being such a child" Anna said still not looking at me. my heart sank, I pulled her in my arms for a comforting hug.

"babe ,its ok your safe know while your with us no one I mean no one will ever hurt you, you can do what ever you like, i'll protect you" I said holding her tightly refusing to let her go. she looks up at me tears still flowing down, but I wiped them before she can react herself.

"do you really mean that?" she asked looking at me, her eye gorgeously starring at me. "of course, babe anything for you" I said giving her a smile, she gave me a smile in return, shocked came on my face with what came next. she quickly pulled me in to a hug ,when I put my arms around her,  she pulled me tighter to her small body.we stayed like that for what seemed like forever before we pulled away.


kidnapped by one direction (Zaynmalik fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now