chapter 5

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Zayn <POV>

I watched her walk closer to the door, when it was swag open and a woman step out yelling at Anna dragging her through the door.the last I heard was the door slam shout. I staired at the door for a moment, confused but just shrugged it off thinking nothing of it. I put the car in drive and went on my way.

The Next Morning

Anna <POV>

I woke up that morning sore, from the beating I got last night after I was dropped off by Zayn. I grabbed a bra, underwear, a pair of blue shorts and a white tee, and headed towards the bathroom in my room. I pulled the lever and watch as the warm water caming down, I slipped in and felt my muscles relax. my body ached but it felt good to wash the pain away with warm water. I washed my hair then moved on to my body. 10 minutes later I slipped out of the shower, I dried my body then put one my undergarments and slipped in my to my shorts and tee. I looked at the mirror and saw new bruises on my arms,hips and face.

I walked out of the bathroom into my room and through my door. I went down the stairs in to the kitchen, walked to the fridge pulling out a bottle of Apple juice. looking around no sign of Lilly, I let out a breath of relief. I opened the bottle not realizing how thirsty I was, I ended up drinking half the bottle. I put the bottle down and grabbed a bowl and walked to the cabinet, pulling out my favorite cereal cinnamon toast crunch. I ate my cereal in silence, when I finished I washed the plate and placed it in the dishwasher.

the door open and the sound of Lilly laughing echoed the halls. Curious to what the HELL cause the evil witch to laugh,I popped my head out of the kitchen to see five familiar faces looking around like they where searching for something. that's when Zayn spotted me and nugged Niallthat saw me and smiled. "Anna, look who I ran in to on my way back home" she said as I walked in view, " New friends?" she asked, I shock my head "Uhmm hey guys what brings you to the neighborhood." I said, giving Lilly a quick look,then shifted my attention to the Boys.

"we where wondering if you would go for a walk with us" liam said, looking at the new bruises that appeared on my arms, face and hips that wasn't there last night. I noticed the others where doing the same worried shot through there eyes, I quickly looked away. "can I go?" I asked Lilly " of course sweetie" giving a warning looked. I ran up stairs and grabbed my purse and cell phone and slipped on a pair of my Toms. quickly running down the stairs and headed towards the boys, "ready, let's go". as we walked out the door Lilly yelled "call me if your ganna stay out late" giving us a fake smile.

kidnapped by one direction (Zaynmalik fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now