Finally Free

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Hundreds of kids and a few adults could be seen running away from a collapsing building, though they are not sad or scared.

They are happy, happy because this place was not a good place, many children have died here. The place is where parents would send their quirkless kids because they didn't want them anymore.

The people who owned the facility were villains, and they would test on these kids to give them quirks so they could be used as weapons. Those who were labled "failed experiments" were killed if they didn't die from the testing or from the quirks they would receive.

The one leading this escape was a boy with (h/l) (h/c) hair, (s/c) skin, and his most notable features were his eyes the sclera were a pinkish-purle, the irises are white, and the pupil is just a slit. He is wearing a peice of cloth as a mask covering his mouth and nose. This boy is (y/n).

Finally, finally we no longer have to be in that hell hole we can try and live normal lives now. 'It's been so long since I've seen the outside.'  As we were fleeing that horrible place we noticed people in costumes and some kind of uniform.

'They must be hero's and the police.' "What is going on here?" One of the police officers speaks up. The others just look at me to answer since they are too nervous, so I step up in front of everyone protectivly.

"We are escaping this horrible place to live out lives after being tested on and treated horribly, as for the adults they can finally see their families again and not have to worry about taking care of us just for us to either be sold as weapons or be killed." They all gave many different kinds of looks, sadness, worry, pitty, disgust, horror.

Many of the children were sent to orphanages, others were either adopted by the adults who took care of them, or adopted by the officers. I watched happily seeing new families being made and the others going back to how they used to be before this place.

As I was standing there a man with shaggy long black hait, dressed as a hobo came up to me. "So I'm guessing since everyone looked at you to answer that officer, your are the one who lead the escape?"

His tired voice sounded surprisingly comforting to me and I gave him a happy nod. "What is your name?" My eyes widen since I forgot to introduce myself. "My name is (y/n) (l/n). What is yours?"

He gently shakes my hand. "The names Shota Aizawa, but my hero name is Eraserhead." I giggle at his silly name. He seems to think to himself for a few minutes. "Do you have anyone to take care of you?"

I look down near tears. "All I had were my parents but like every child here I got sent here by them because they didn't want me because I was quirkless."

Without hesitation he gently grabed my hand puing me to a random police officer would turned to us. "Ah Eraserhead good to see you."

He then notices me and bends down to my height. "This is the boy who lead the escape right?" He looks up to Eraserhead who just nods. "You must be very brave to help all these people escape."

I blush slightly not used to being complimented. "I-i did it because I didn't want them all to suffer anymore after they killed my best friend I couldn't take it anymore and wanted to help everyone."

I nervously play with my fingers. "I want to be a hero." I look up at them with a determined look. They seemed surprised by my sudden statement. "A-are you sure? I mean how can you still trust hero's after they failed to save you?"

I look down at the ground deep in thought. "I don't want anymore quirkless kids to have to suffer what we all went through and I can still trust hero's because I some how knew they have been looking for us the entire time, so they could come save us...... I WANT TO SAVE PEOPLE TOO!"

They practically melted at how adorable I looked with my determined look. They both look at each other giving a nod. After a long drive to the police station I'm sitting in the lobby for Eraserhead and the police officer to come back.

After a few minutes they both came back and Eraserhead hands me a piece of paper. I look up at him not knowing what it was. "It's an adoption form I want to adopt you and help you become the best hero you could be."

My eyes start to water causing both adults to grow worried without a word I jump into Era- I mean dad's arms hugging him tightly. This is it. 'I'm Finally Free.'

Hey guys I just wanted to let y'all know I created a mha oc rp server on discord. I will leave a link for you guys if y'all want to join.

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