The Entrance Exam pt 1

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(Reader POV)
I wake up with a small yawn and stretch, I look at my alarm clock to see that I am up a little early and have a few hours before the exam.

I fix my new mask that dad got me that I never take off, it's a dark blue-grey color with a golden zipper so that I don't have to take it off to drink or eat.

I grab a long sleeve (f/c) shirt and a pair of (f/c) jeans putting them on after I take a nice warm shower, (making sure not to get my mask wet of course.

After I'm done getting dressed I was about to leave my room when I felt like I was for getting something, 'What am I forgetting?,OH! My necklace!' 

I begin to look around for it when I find it on my nightstand, it's a necklace with a pendant that resembles a cat eye marble the background being a light pink, and the actual "cat's eye" being grey and yellow.

I will always keep this with me, I'll always remember the day I received it from them

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I will always keep this with me, I'll always remember the day I received it from them. How I received it is a story for another time though.

I leave my room walking down the hallway, I see dad in the living room watching the news. "Hey dad, I'm going to Jiro's house for some practice."

He turns to me quickly then back to the TV. "Ok and be safe but remember.." I already know where this is going. "Don't be late for the entrance exam and be on time, being on time is part of being a hero." We say in unison, given the fact he has told me this for several months now.

I giggle then give him a quick hug. As I'm walking to Jiro's house many passer bys just go on about their morning not even acknowledging me, while every now and then a few people try horribly to whisper about how scary I look, and how I'm probably a villan and should be locked up.

I just choose to ignore them not letting them see my saddened face, not that they could really see it with my mask in the way. I then push it aside and continue my walk.

Now you maybe wondering how I became friends with Jiro well we meet at a music store that dad took me to once, I didn't know any kind of music considering my past.

She saw me looking through all the different albums and such, and started giving her opinion on which ones she liked, and went on to tell me about her favorite artists and such.

She just gave off this aura that I could trust, after that we just started to hang out more and I got to meet her parents which I find really cool to be honest.

They told me that if we wanted to we could use some of their equipment and practice music ourse, that's when we learned playing music was just as fun and we've been doing it ever since.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize I arrived until I looked up. I knocked on the door and was greeted by her parents. They told me that Jiro was waiting for me in her room so that's where I went.

Doll| Hitoshi Shinzo x Uke Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now