Chapter VI

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     You hummed a soft tune as you scribbled lyrics in your creativity notebook. It read;

     "Hey, boy, what're you waiting for? Let's be in the present, forget the past, forget the future, let's stay in the here and now."

     You crinkled your nose at the basic and plain lines, curse your inability to decline dares! A classmate of yours had challenged you to come up with three songs, all having a different meaning behind them. It was supposed to 'help' you get over your writer's block. The one time you actually went to writers club, you scoffed inwardly. You furrowed your eyebrows in concentration; why'd it have to be about boys? Why not your dog Leo, or maybe even one of your siblings! It felt unrealistic and fake. You didn't like anybody! Why would you? Why did society have to pressure highschool love? Why not wait? You might as well die an old unmarried woman then experience heartbreak every other week. In all truth, that didn't sound appealing either. Hanako must've noticed your dejected expression as he sat beside you with a worried look. "What's up?" He asked, and you sighed loudly. "I have to write a stupid lyrical poem about love." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Is that so?" He inquired, and you were ready to tackle someone. "Yep!" You tried to be enthusiastic, but it didn't seem genuine. "Can I see what you have so far?" He questioned with that playful look of his. You blushed on cue, "It would be like dumping trash on you, even though it would plausibly phase through you." You then comically tapped your chin. "But, is that really the case? I believe you've touched me before. If I can remember, I've felt it, but I thought my nerves were acting up or something. Like when your heart beats in random places, well, you probably don't have a beating heart anymore." You rambled on, and before you knew it, Hanako grabbed your shoulder. You stopped mid-thought and blinked at him bemused. "Yes, I can touch you~! Though, unless we share a bond, you can't touch me." He says with a smirk, "So I ask again, would you like to touch me?" The look on his face had your head shake automatically. You gave him a deadpanned expression. "Yeah, no." You went back to writing, droning out his uproarious laughter.


     You went running with the fam the next morning. Well, if you were honest, it was you desperately attempting to keep up with your dad and brother. Though, this time you had an excuse for being slow as your little sister wanted to come. You stayed behind her and took almost every shortcut possible. But then she stopped altogether, and knowing you'd regret it later, you picked your sister up in a piggyback and became the hero she saw you as. She made many comments about being a sister duo and gave very self-esteeming boosts. While your sister could be pretty loud and obnoxious at times, you'd always love her and that contagious smile of hers.


     "Maybe, I'm a vampire in disguise." You said with a sly grin creeping on your face. Your hands were regularly cold, and down the line, someone would comment on them. There was even this one kid you met at McDonald's that questioned if you were really human or not. It still gave you the shivers thinking about it. "You're a vampire?!" Your sister squealed, shock written all over her face. You held back a chuckle. "It would explain my cold hands." Your dad rolled his eyes, but your sister didn't see. Her grip on your hand loosened considerably. You felt a twinge of guilt. "Well, you wouldn't suck our blood!" You could've stopped there, but of course, you didn't. "Sometimes, family blood is the best." Her eyes widened, and she tried to wriggle out of your hold. It was no wonder you both were beforehand talking about how if someone copied your sister's body, you'd know it was her with a special object in her purse. You initiated the crazy idea, but she hadn't disagreed till your dad said something. The things you thought up, at the most random times.


     Your gaze burned a metaphorical hole in your closet. You had waited to open these boxes of unused electronics your grandma bought. She was a big-time hoarder and often forgot what she had unless she saw it. You remember not having any clean pj's to wear, so you came downstairs with her sweat pants, and she commented on how they looked like hers. You merely shrugged and went on with your day. You weren't exactly sure how to work the devices or set them up, but if you could get one of them to turn on, that would be an accomplishment. With that in mind, you charged the two tablets. You had wanted to use them as back up if something had happened to the electronics you had now, but you felt bad for Hanako. He was stuck in that school all day, doing who knows what and probably bored out of his mind. You sighed as you recall him messing around with you during class. He reminded you of your little sister.


     "It's alive! It's alive!" You said in a stereotypical ghostly voice as your google play tablet powered up. Now you'd have a buddy to play video games with! Score! You then started to fill your backpack with Nintendo's switch chips and a few controllers. Your friend conveniently lived close to the school, and you made plans to hang out with her three hours after you're mom planned to drop you off. That gave you some time to educate Hanako on the culture of this generation.


Authors Note:

Stay tuned for some Among us playing and movie watching! Any classical movie suggestions? :> 

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