Chapter Four

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"He said i was a good brother." Techno was smiling as he walked downstairs after putting Tommy to bed.

"I heard." Wilbur laughed at his brother and how innocent he truly could be at times.

"We need to protect them Wil, I know it may sound weird or stupid but when I saw Tommy cuddled up in my arms with tears down his face, I was so heartbroken for him. If anyone tries to hurt him or Tu-" Techno was basically shouting at this point and it was obvious no matter what Wilbur said he'd kill for those kids.

"Tech, we've barely known them for a day. How can you be so certain about this?"

Yes, Wilbur wanted to protect the boys but Techno had bonded so quickly with Tommy.

He wasn't sure if Techno was thinking straight and wanted to make sure his brother wasn't going about this the wrong way.

"I don't know Wil. It might be because I went through what Tommy was going through. It might be because all day he's treated me like a brother and after knowing me for less than 5 hours, he let me hug him. It might be because when I saw his face, I couldn't imagine seeing him in that pain again." Techno was just as confused.

He cared about Tubbo but something about Tommy made Techno want to protect him that much more.

"You need to remember Tubbo exists" Wilbur said basically reading Techno's mind.

"I know, I'm not going to forget about him, they're both my brothers. I guess seeing Tommy in pain was hard and if it was Tubbo in his place, I'd feel the same way.." Techno shrugged and sat down next to Wilbur.


"Tommy!" Tubbo shouted as he jumped on his brother in an attempt to wake him up.

"Tubbo, It's fucking 9am, let me sleep prick." Tommy replied pushing Tubbo off of him and rolling his eyes.

"Well first off, Phil asked if we can go downstairs in 10 minutes and I am not a prick. That is mean" Tubbo grabbed a pillow and started smothering Tommy, who was screaming and laughing.

"Get the fuck up!" Tubbo started hitting Tommy repetitively with the pillow.

"You're an asshole Tubs."

"That's mean of you to say."

Tommy laughed at his brother and pushed him off his bunk as he stood up.

"Toms, can we ta-" Tubbo wanted to talk about last night but that was the last thing Tommy wanted to speak about.

"Not now Tubs." Tommy dismissed Tubbo and glared at him.

"Tommy, you called Techno your brother and you hugged him. Do you actually like this family?" It wasn't what he wanted to talk about but Tubbo knew Tommy wasn't going to change his mind.

"I was vulnerable, I didn't mean any of it and the hug was just a hug. I needed comfort and Techno gave it too me." Tommy didn't know how he was really feeling about it all but he knew that he didn't want to warm up to this family too quickly or leave Tubbo out by accident.

He didn't need them but he needed Tubbo.

"Whatever Toms." Tubbo could hear the coldness in Tommy's voice and decided it was best not to talk about it when he was in this type of mood.

Tommy walked over to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't help but laugh.

He looked like fucking shit.

"Tubbo, you're such a bitch!" Tommy could barely breathe through the laughter and it came out in a more breathless mess of words but Tubbo got the gist of it.

"Why? What did I do and why do you sound like a dying horse?" Tubbo asked walking to the bathroom where Tommy was staring at himself in the mirror. "Oh is it cos I didn't tell you that you look like shit? I was planning on it but it didn't fit into the conversation."

Tommy looked at Tubbo and started walking towards him but Tubbo sprinted out of the bathroom and down the stairs into the kitchen where he found Phil and Techno.

"What's up litt-" Phil put down his coffee mug as Tubbo ran in and less than 5 seconds later Tommy ran in laughing and holding a pillow.

"Tommy put the pillow down." He could barely keep his laughter

in. Tommy looked absolutely crazy and was chasing his brother through the house with a...pillow and Tubbo, well it was a fucking pillow.

"He wakes me up with basically no explanation, tries to suffocate me with a pillow, then he hits me with it. AND HE DOESN'T TELL ME I LOOK LIKE FUCKING SHIT. and I don't even get to hit him? Fuck this." Tommy said as seriously as he could, he dropped the pillow on the floor and walked over to the counter and sat on it.

"Nice to see you too Tommy." Techno was chuckling at the scene that had just played out while he ate his breakfast.

Tommy just smiled at Techno and looked away.

Last night was so weird, he trusted this person, referred to him as a brother and he barely knew him.

It didn't matter, he could pretend it didn't happen and just move on as long as Techno let him.

"You boys still up for going shopping today?" Phil asked, looking at Tommy and Tubbo.

He ignored what just happened, he couldn't do anything and didn't want anything bad to happen so it seemed better to let it go.

"Yeah, I'm gonna get dressed" Tommy said sliding off the counter and started walking to his room until he heard them talking.

"Is he okay?" Phil didn't want to upset Tommy and didn't know how to deal with what was going on.

"No, he doesn't like getting close to people incase they fuck him over and last night that's exactly what he did. I guess it makes him vulnerable or somethin-" Tubbo tried his best to explain until they heard Wilbur

"Tommy, why are you just sitting there?"

Tommy looked behind him to see Wilbur looking perplexed and concerned about Tommy, who was pissed.

He hated when people talked about him and he hated that Tubbo was exposing his secrets to these people.


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