Literary Lust

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Life was pretty uneventful. You were grateful for the peace and privileges you had, but the studious life was getting tiring. To combat this, you distracted yourself from the stress of school work by escaping into books of crime and passion, although you weren't very inclined to live your own life like that. Eventually, you weren't satisfied by the endless cheesy romance books out there, so you decided to take matters into your own hands and write a story yourself.

"Hmm... well obviously he has to be hot but charming, intelligent but cruel. Black hair? Ok black eyes too. He has to have something unique on him... a tattoo on his face, and to top it off he's a criminal who loves books. Annnd he can't be too old, but a great mature age. 26? Yea that's only 4 years older than me. Sounds about right." You decided to sleep on the idea and continue it the next day. In the morning, you grabbed some coffee and headed to the library. You always thought it could be a very romantic setting in certain situations, and dreamed of such an encounter. "He should meet the y/n at the library."

Just then, a man eerily matching the description of your character was caught in the corner of your eye. You had to do a double take. "Tf??", you thought to yourself. You tried to make yourself unnoticeable and tried to process what was happening. "What if I write... that he takes y/n on a cruise trip??" Nothing happened. Disappointed, you wonder if this could just be a case of extreme coincidence. But, what if you wrote his name, then asked him what his name was? You were going to write his name for sure. "Ok... mysterious, charming... intelligent... Lucilfer sounds nice as a last name. Chrollo? Like chromatic colours." With his name done, you wondered how you would start a conversation. "Lemme get my book first..." You mostly read romance and action, but you were starting to read old and foreign literature.

This week, you were planning on reading the Inferno by Dante. As you began heading to the shelf, you noticed the mysterious man walking towards the same shelf from the corner of your eye. It took all of your feeble will power not to stare, you knew you wanted him as a hot character but on closer inspection, he really did look like an Apollo incarnate. "Is this my chance?" Before you could think about your possible conversation, the man began talking.

"Are you a fan of Dante?" He asked.
Not only was he eye candy, you were about to combust at the sound of his voice. You stumbled upon your words.
"Uhh this is my first time reading his work."
Fuck. You really messed it up this time, you thought. Even though you weren't someone who liked to lie for their gain and weren't likely to get away with it, you still wished you would've.
"You have interest in his books, meaning you must've started somewhere. Pardon me if this feels like intrusion, but judging by your style you are a bit of an academic, no?" Said the charming man.
He was right. While you weren't quite into the historic literature part of an academic aesthetic yet, you liked to think that you checked off a few boxes.
"Well, yes, I think. I don't think you were being intrusive." You responded.

"Then our interests align. Would you like to grab a cup of coffee, even if it may be your second?" Obviously you weren't going to to turn this man down.
"Yes, that would sound nice."

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