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Internally screaming, hoping that none of it showed up on your face, many thoughts raced through your head. Keeping up your formal and composed self was becoming difficult. Instead focusing on your date with a hot guy, like any sane person would, you couldn't help but think about how bizarre it was to be grabbing a coffee with a guy who came into your life from your own story. You forced yourself to come back to your senses.

You were going somewhere with a man who's name you don't even know, who may have come from your story in which he was written to be a criminal... Yikes! What if he tells you to get in his car?! Was a rational and smart woman like yourself really going to push aside all these details? Well, curiosity had gotten the best of you, making all the red flags fly right by you and made yourself believe all these important information was unnecessary at the moment. You weren't going to turn down this opportunity as you were lonely and needed some romance in your sad, lonely life. As you two walked out of the library, the entrancing stranger said,
"The cafe I would like to take you to is a bit farther than walking distance, would you mind to take a ride?"

I wanna ride yes, but something else ahaha- you stopped your immature thoughts.
"That's extremely considerate, I wouldn't mind at all." You managed to respond, with composure and a smile of course.

"Damn, even his car is nice asf", you thought to yourself. He had the typical car that the feds use. The black Buick suv, although ironic for an assumed criminal. As you approached the car, he opened the door for you with a polite hand gesture signalling for you to get in. "Dang, I wrote him good!" you thought. You hoped the car ride wouldn't be silent and awkward, but he soon took away your concerns. You talked about other books you read, and your interests.

No name exchanges yet.. strangely enough. But the way the conversation was going, you wanted to avoid it, for some strange reason. Maybe you were scared of what would happen if he was from your story, and scared of what you could and couldn't change. You pushed it to the back of your mind and decided you would figure it out at the cafe. Most of of the talk was about you. You even told him about your university major, but held back the school's name as if that would protect you, as a false sense of reassurance. If he was dangerous, you would already be a victim. Or if he was planning something bad for later he could easily do it. But you moved past these negative thoughts. After all, you just need to figure out his name to confirm your doubts.

Once you arrived, you asked to go to the bathroom quickly. There, you took a minute calm down, took your notebook out of your purse and wrote, " he tells me his name." You kept it vague, but wondered if he was actually from your book, would more specific details come to life? You didn't write what kind of car he drove. Again, you stopped thinking about it and proceeded to walk out of the bathroom to handle the obvious question at hand.

As you stepped out, you searched around and saw his handsome face smiling back at you. After you sat down as gracefully as you could. He passed you the menu. You were used to rushing and standing in lines at random coffee shops, and hadn't been to a cafe or restaurant with waiters for a very long time. This place was out of the ordinary fancy for you. "I'm not really sure what to order.." you honestly said.
"That's fine, may I order for you?" He replied.
This was better for you, as you wanted to try a different drink than usual."Ok, just know I dislike anything minty and can't have too much chocolate", you jokingly said.

When the waiter came, he ordered a fruity iced tea for you along with banana ice cream and strawberry topped crêpes, drizzled with white chocolate sauce. For himself, he ordered a black coffee with milk and sugar, with Belgium waffles accompanied by vanilla ice cream and dark chocolate sauce. You were trying as hard as you could to not let the growls of ur stomach escape, or to let your excitement show on your face. You failed at the latter, as he chuckled and said, "This cafe is quite highly rated."

You laughed back, wiping your sweaty palms on your brown gingham skirt. This made you be thankful to be dressed nicely, with a matching beige turtleneck, some silver accent jewelry and a pair of white boots that mimicked doc martens quite nicely. Unconsciously beginning to twirl your long hair which was half put up with a small butterfly clip, you planned to pop the question right now. "It's strange how we don't even know each other's names yet", you attempted to say elegantly.
"Yes, you're right. My name is Chrollo Luclilfer, nice to meet you."

WHAT THE HELL??? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?? So many questions raced through your head, which made you not register his cute joke. Somehow, you managed to keep your shock inside and not show it on your face. You thanked whatever power let you do that. " I'm y/n l/n", nice to meet you too."

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