Chapter 3~ Marcus

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Marcus Shaw
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Hight: 6'3
Weight: 137 lbs
Hair: Black
Eye color: Brown
Race: African American
Element: Air

In district two of town eleven, Marcus Shaw was wheeling home from his school's basketball team's latest win.
"Ah, son of a big red dog! Why does this new chair get stuck on everything!?" He yelled to no one in particular. At the bottom of his driveway he groaned
"Why is our damn driveway so steep."
When he got up he heard his mom crying.
"Mom?!? Are you ok!?!" Marcus said worriedly.
"Yes, Yes honey. I'm fine." she said.
"But you need to pack your bags, enough for a long time."
"What!? Why?" Marcus said, his heartbeat quickening.
"They need you in center for testing you for war." his mom said, tearing up.
"Do you think I could be able to walk again!?" Marcus said excitedly.
"Possibly, I have no clue dear. we can only hope." his mother said smiling.
"HELL YEAH!" Marcus shouted. "Better get packing if I'm going to be the best athlete ever, AGAIN!"

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