Chapter 5~ Douglas

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Douglas Strasios
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Hight: 6' 7"
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: Blue
Race: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Element: Water
Douglas Strasios was walking to work at the "Donut Hut" the local donut shop. Once he arrived there his boss told him that a letter had arrived from a strange messenger bearing the seal of the capitol on his robes. Douglas knew it must be important if the leader had sent his personal servants (the only ones permitted to wear robes with the capitol seal on it.)
"So where's this letter?" Douglas asked. His boss told him that it was at his station. When Douglas read it all of his coworkers crowded around to read the letter over his shoulder. It read

You have been selected for special army training at capitol!Congratulations! This is a special occasion reserved for only the most fitting candidates! You and four other teenagers are the perfect subject for our enhancements.
Please join us on June 19 at the main building of Capitol.
Laura Melba, leader's secretary
June 18 7015"
"Well damn! Ain't I special!"
Douglas said laughing. It took him a second to realize that he was the only one laughing.
"Dude this is serious." his boss said "You're on paid vacation until training is over and then I want a full report got me?"
"Gotcha." And with that Douglas went to his orphanage packed up his things and left with a big grin on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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