3rd victims

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Y/n was walking around the streets to take a breath and to relax when she found a group of detectives surrounding something. She walked near to peek on what's going on as she removed one side of her earphones to listen to them but one of them noticed her. "Hey, what are you doing? This is a crime place." He told her. "C-crime place," she asked, fear filling her body. Her home is just around the corner and there was a crime going on? "Yeah, she was killed yesterday. Didn't you watch the news channel? The serial killer is crazy" "detective han, who is this person?" Asked chan as he noticed jisung talking to y/n.

"I don't know. She's just a passer-by I guess" he replied to his team head "okay you can go Jisung ssi and you should be careful...." Chan raised his brows as he didn't know her name "y/n" "you should be careful y/n SSI. Well then." He said and went back to the crime place while Y/n thought that the person felt familiar like someone she used to be close with. She just shrugged the thoughts off and hurried back to her home.
Chan was just now baffled with this case. "In what basis does he even choose his victims?" He asked to no one in particular. "These victims don't have anything in particular. Their age, profession, even the area they live in...

it's all different. It's so hard to predict his next action" "I know right, but there must be something similar with them, we just didn't find out what it is" seungmin said to his team head. "Maybe we can try to investigate the victim's families?" Felix suggested. "That's a good idea. You, seungmin and jisung can split up and go to these three victim's home. I will ask around this area and visit the forensic department" chan gave instructions and everyone went to do their assigned work.

Y/n got ready for her work and stopped by a nearby convenience store to buy something to eat. She took a cup of noodles and a kimchi pack and went to the counter to pay for them. After paying, she went to the seats to eat those foods as she listened to her sad playlist again. She didn't recognize the cashier but he sure did recognize her at a first glance. Minho just observed the girl eating from the counter, he also noticed her listening to sad songs just like she did yesterday. Y/n felt someone was watching her so she just finished her food soon and disposed off the packages and walked away from the store.

Meanwhile, Minho was just so fascinated by her, especially her habit of listening to the sad playlist. He would love to have her tied up in the plastic bag and strangle her to death just like he did to his all other victims, he wanted to stalk her for several days before abducting her to look at her pattern of living. 
Everyone came back from their assigned work. "We have got some personal information on the victim's condition, detective Bang" they reported it to their superior "okay, Now we need the help of our team's Profiler, Mr Hwang.

We need him to analyse your reports and find out the behavioural pattern of those three victims. Just one coincidence can give us a big lead in this case" a while later Hyun-jin was handed with the profiles of the victims and the reports that were collected by officer seungmin, Felix and jisung. "Don't worry, I will take care of this profiling as soon as possible" he said as he took them to his office. "I hope he finds something".
It's been 2 hours since the profiler has gone to his office and yet no information was out. Chan and all of his teammates were stranded as they don't know how to proceed with the case, just as they were losing hope, Hyun-jin burst in through the door.

"I have got something that might be a lead" he informed them, "what is it?" " From the report that seungmin, Felix and jisung collected from the victim's family members....it seems that they all have suffered from depression" loud gasps and whispers can be hears from the teammates. "So... that's the coincidence..." Chan mumbled to himself. "But how did the killer get to know that they have depression?" Seungmin interrupted "what if the killer was some kind of doctor? They might have consulted a doctor for depression" jisung suggested "No. It seems the victims didn't go to a doctor for any regular checkups, only for occasional general check-ups." Hyunjin said.

"Did you guys retrieve any common things from the three crime place?" "Not really, just their cellphone, ID, wallet, headphone and some other common things that everyone carries. Nothing was out of ordinary." Felix said as Chan ruffled his head. "This case is getting more and more perplex" 
Meanwhile, y/n was just working at peace and nobody troubles her at the office as everyone was busy with their stuff. It was already evening, everyone started to leave work and so did y/n. While she was on the way home, it started raining hard. She quickly took shelter under the convenience store where she ate this morning,

"ugh it's raining so hard. Oh! I can get an umbrella at the store" she searched for her wallet and she remembered leaving it near her computer. She just facepalmed and waited for the rain to end when someone shoved an umbrella into her hand. She turned to look at the cashier standing next to her, he seemed to be admiring the rain. "Why did you give this umbrella to me?" She asked Minho, confused about his action. " You need it more than I do at this moment," he said with his hands in his pockets, without sparing her a glance.

"What about you then? Don't you need it?" She asked out of concern. " I still have a few more hours until my shift ends. The rain will probably stop by then. You should go ahead" he said now turning around to look at her. Y/n just nodded and walked to her home feeling some warm sensation in her heart as someone, even if he is a stranger showed some care for her which she hasn't felt for a long time.

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