the truth

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Y/n was in her office, working, her life with Minho has been, wonderful and happy so far. But, she didn't know that this was going to be over soon and that Minho has been killing people behind her back. The news channel was running in the cafeteria when they were having a lunch break. "It has been, reported that several bodies have been found buried in XXX mountain, the pattern is said to be the same as that of the serial killer. This case has been closed due to the lack of evidence and witnesses and also because of the serial killer's inactivity. But, upon Discovery of the new bodies, it's been evident that the serial killer is still active and looking for more victims"
the news reporter announced making Y/n's heart shatter into pieces, "I can't believe he's still killing people, he should be arrested soon" Dahyun said with fear evident in her eyes, "yeah, people like him deserve death sentences" another colleague told making Y/n eyes fill with tears, she quickly tried to blink it away and went to the restroom and cried after locking the door. 'i thought he stopped killing people, why must he still continue!?' y/n thought as her tears fell like a stream od river. She gave him a chance. But, he clearly misused it. She didn't know what do to, she loved him a lot and couldn't bring herself to report him to the police and it pained to think that she has been deceiving Chan. She knew everything and decided to hide it for her own selfishness and happiness, while he works his ass off to find Minho and bring justice to those victims who died because of the killer's attack. She was thinking so much and fainted in the hallway. Her colleagues, who saw her immediately brought her to the hospital and called Chan. Her brother drove to the hospital immediately after he heard the news. "Is she alright?" He asked the doctor. "She is. She fainted due to a lot of stress" he said went away as he looked at Y/n who looked back at him, sadly. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't bring herself to be happy in this kind of twisted situation. "Let me bring you home" "that's fine, Chan. You seem to be busy. I will manage on my own" she refused. "I'm your brother before anything. Come let's me drop you" he took her home, neither of them talked anything during the car ride. After he dropped her off, Y/n was nervous. She didn't want Chan to see Minho, incase he knows what the killer's appearance is. "I will be going then, bye," she said in a hurry and quickly closed the door before he could even say anything. Chan found it weird as to why she was acting so cold and distant, all of a sudden. But he just shrugged it off and went back to the office. Y/n sighed in relief after chan has gone back to his office. Minho came from her room, "Hey, how are you?" He asked, hugging her. "I'm fine..." She told him in an indifferent tone. She pulled away from him and sat on the couch and remained silent deep in her thoughts. Minho opened the door ready to go out. but y/n didn't let him. "Minho, where are you going?" She asked nervously. "Just going out for a stroll," he said with his hands in his pocket. "Don't go ..." Y/n cried. Minho panicked and came next to Y/n, "I won't go, Don't worry. But, why are you crying y/n-ah" he asked, touching her forehead to see if she was sick. "I'm not feeling well. Please stay with me..." She asked, desperately wanting to stop him from going outside. "I will," he said and kissed her head. He lifted her and brought her to the bed and tucked her to the bed. "I will cook something for you, just rest up," he said and went away. After dinner, Minho slept next to her peacefully. But Y/n couldn't even get a minute of sleep. She doesn't want Minho to go out after she went to sleep. It has been like that for a few days after she heard the news, she even took sick leave and was stuck with Minho whenever he goes out of the home.

Meanwhile, Hyunjin and the other team members have been asking Chan to investigate his sister. But Chan was refusing to do so. But after seeing her suspicious activity that day, he accepted to finally, investigate his sister. He sighed and called her in for an investigation but didn't tell her what it is about. She came to the detective's office early the next day and she was immediately taken to the interrogation room. As usual, Chan and Felix came in. "Y/n, what we are going to ask is about the serial killer. Many people's lives will be saved if, you answer our questions correctly" Chan asked her. "We can sense that you know something about the killer, y/n. Please let us know everything that you know about him" Felix asked you patiently. "B-but, I told.." she started but, Chan cut her off. "Y/N PLEASE, LOOK AT ALL THE VICTIMS HE HAS KILLED!! DO YOU THINK THEIR FAMILIES ARE HAPPY!?" He shouted at her, making her flinch. "Chan Hyung hold yourself. Y/n ssi it would be nice if you cooperate with us" Felix told you, trying to calm the atmosphere. "If...I-I say who the killer is...what will you guys do to that person...?" She asked Felix as her eyes filled with tears. "That guy seems to be mentally ill. So he will be sent to the mental hospital until he recovers and that's probably going to be his punishment" Felix answered her. "C-can you guys please give me some more time?" y/n pleaded them, "y/n...we-" Chan started but, she cut him off, "I promise I will bring him to you. Just please give me some more time" she begged them. "We believe you y/n, but for safety purposes, we have to put some police forces near your home," Felix told her and y/n accepted it. She went home to Minho playing with the cat, her heart melted at this sight and she began crying on the spot.

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