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Chapter 4: Getting through it
Sorry if it's bad my hands are shaking and idk why (also read story description)
George's POV

    "We're here, come on babe!" Babe. That word makes me want to rip my own guts out. Clay clearly cringed too, as I heard whispering from the back seat.

"Oh come onnnn! It's a cute nickname shut uppppp," Emma exclaimed rather loudly. She really wants her relationship to be public, huh. I climbed out of my side and that's when I realized just how tall this kid is, he towered over me with ease. I am just tall enough to see his face, a very pretty one at that. Waitttttt. No, I did not just say that. This man is straighter than straight can get, plus he's literally dating my twin sister. If he likes her he's not gonna like the exact opposite of her.

    I let the couple go in front of me waiting several moments until starting to walk, nobody wants to be seen with me, and Emma has made that clear. Keeping my head down I stare at my black converse, as I make my way to the entrance of the building.

    "George? You coming?" A voice called ahead of me. The amount of dick jokes I just thought of is insane, anyways back to the voice. Without even looking up I could tell who it belonged to. I am tempted to accept until I realize my sister would kill me if I accepted. I slowly shook my head and continued to stare at the pavement making my way up the stairs.

    "Georgeeee" Clay's voice rang through my ear and sent shivers down my spine. Butterflies fly around in my stomach and make themselves comfortable in there. The shaky tips of my fingers tuck themselves deep into the sleeve of my sweatshirt, as a slight pink color tints my cheeks. Do I have to answer? What would happen if I didn't answer? But what would happen if I did? You know I think the second option is worse than the first. I purse my lips into a tight thin line and continue looking at the rough concrete below my feet, memorizing the texture as I go. Maybe I could steal a glance at Clay, one wouldn't hurt, right? Ok here goes nothing, upon looking up I noticed he was still walking next to me and staring into my soul.

I feel bad for him, having to hang out with me cause he's dating my sister. Wow, I can't imagine how embarrassing walking with me right now must be. I should stop ruining his reputation. It's my fault if his friends drop him for hanging out with me. I can't allow this I don't wanna make him risk things just because his girlfriend's brother is clingy. The heavy doors of school started to approach as I, or we, walked closer. I started to swing open the bulky metal but realized I had someone behind me. Swinging behind the metal I wait until the sound of footsteps echoes throughout the room and go in myself closing the door behind me. I stopped in the entrance room as my thought train from before started to come back.

"You know my sisters already obsessed with you, there's no use sucking up to me." Oh no, what just came out of my mouth. Why in the world did I say that nononono. Also, why is my morning voice not gone yet?

"What do you mean?" The deep tones of his voice stung my ears as the words he just said processed in my brain.

"You don't have to hang out with me just so you can get closer to your girlfriend. She's using you for popularity, and partly for your hoodies I would guess," and there goes another mess of words that have somehow made their way out of my mouth. My thoughts were cut short when I heard a soft giggle come from next to me.

"You think I don't know that? And if you really think I'm sucking up to you by hanging out with you I wouldn't hang out with Emma. Oh, also I like your accent, how come Emma's accent is different than yours?" Oh shit. I kinda forgot about my accent until now, another reason to hate me I guess.

"Um I never really noticed a difference in our accents, it may be cause I have a deeper voice. I don't really know," welp there goes my chance at being confident.
I take a step motioning him to start walking again and we make our way into the gym.

(804 words)

Sorry I haven't really updated.

Look what i made! :D

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Look what i made! :D

New chapter soon


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