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Chapter 5: Back to normal, right?
George's POV
Ok so basically they have free period first thing in the morning cause that's what I have on Wednesdays. Forget about homeroom for a second, please.

    Before I could even blink my body was being shoved aside and someone next to me was getting pulled away. I lift my head and see Clay who was wrapped in a hug from my sister, the look in his eyes told me he just wanted to get away, he just wants to not be anywhere. I could recognize that look anywhere, she's annoying the hell out of him. Weird.

Maybe I should help him? I wouldn't want to be pulled away to hang out with a bunch of bratty girls, so I would imagine he wouldn't either. Those girls don't have a thought in their brains. I mean I can't even begin to imagine what might be running through their heads. Oh right, helping Clay. Guess it's time to make my move, wait no that sounds so wrong, why do I have to phrase everything so weirdly oh my gosh.

    I suck in my breath and take a few steps toward the group of girls and guys, well one guy. I can't hesitate or else I'll start rethinking my decision and that never ends well. A second later I am grabbing the soft sleeves of Clay's hoodie. I pull his arm towards the door that leads to the hallway with a sour expression on my face. Human contact is not my thing. I continue to pull his arm through the hallway and towards another door that leads to the staircase. We go up one flight of stairs, then another, then another. I look over at Clay and he looks surprised. Oh yeah, that, most people hate going on the school roof, they say it's unsafe. Unsafe means more fun if you ask me. You get to experience great things and if you die it's technically not killing yourself so it's a win-win situation. Anyways not the point. When my feet finally reach the last door I shove it open completely forgetting about the person that I have dragged up here.

    Walking across the pavement a thought crosses my mind. I'm probably hurting his arm maybe I should let go. I release my tight grip and look at him apologetically. He looks at me with a curious expression, rightfully so. I probably should have given him context but it's whatever I guess.

    "So why did you bring me here? Also why the heck do you have such a tight grip, I thought you didn't play any sports. You're too 'caught up in your world to engage in social activity' or whatever that means," his tall figure loomed over me while I tried to think of a response.

    "I play one sport but that's beside the point, I brought you here because I saw that you kinda just wanted to be done with those girls, you wanted to get out of there. I though maybe you needed a little break. So that's what I'm gonna give you, a break from everything, and everybody," I sheepishly take off my glasses and wipe them off with my sleeve even though they didn't have anything on them. I shove them back onto my face and feel a slight breeze rush through my face shifting my hair ever so slightly.

    "Oh um ok, that was specific and weirdly accurate. So what do we do out here? Just kinda stand here?" his head tilted downward as his soft green eyes met mine.

    "Follow me," I lead him over to the edge of the building.

( I don't know how to describe this so just imagine this ledge lol)

( I don't know how to describe this so just imagine this ledge lol)

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I hoist my body up and swing my legs over the edge. The terrified look on this kid's face was priceless. Loose chuckles make their way out of my body and float warmly in the air.

"Oh come on. It's not that bad, you gotta take at least one risk in your life," I chuckle again.

    "Nope, not doing it. What if I fall?"

    "You break your arm and then you don't have to do any school work," at that Clay stayed silent and seemed to ponder it for a moment. I took my chance and decided to try and convince him further.

    "It's very relaxing up here, you can feel the breeze on your face," that seemed to have done its job.

    "Ok, but I'm only staying for a minute."

    "Yeah right," Clay lifted himself and swung his legs over the rail just as I had. He sat down and lifted his head into the air.

    "You know the only person who comes up here is me. And you I guess. It's like a safe space, more fun in the winter if you ask me." 

(920 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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