Should Have Kept His Mouth Shut

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[warning: strong language ahead in chapter]

Lance turned the lights off in the room and got into the queen bed next to Keith who cuddled up against him, sighing contently at the warmth.

The brunette soon feel asleep.

The door slammed open and the shoe flew across the room like a bomb. Curses in Spanish echoed in Lance's ears as he hid from his mother under his bed hoping she wouldn't find him. Her cursed hot louder.

The boy was shaking so much he swore the bed moved with him but he couldn't get out till he knew it was safe.

He didn't know she would react like this. But he knew he had to leave. He just had to get to his stuff. There was nothing here for him anymore only pain and heartache.

So, he quickly grabbed his shoes, glasses and a jacket along with some hat and gloves and ran out the back door of the house in the middle of the night. He left his things.

The night air was crisp and wet. Dark clouds rolled around in the sky, threatening to let loose a heavy rain and flood the streets of New York. Cars rushed by in a hurry and people honked their horns like wild animals.

He had nowhere to go so he found a small place to hide behind a building and sleep. And so it was, he was out on the streets. Who knew how long it was before he found his senses and found a home for the homeless but he never stayed in one place.

All he could remember was that face he saw. The heartbreak he felt when the poor boy's best friend was taken away from him. It wasn't his fault, right? Keith had nothing to do with how Lance's parents acted.

All Lance knew was his parents weren't what they led people to think. On the outside, all cheery and happy and soft spoke, but on the inside they were full of curses and hard slaps and tears.

Lance knew this all too well.

He understood why they kicked him. Not only had he "killed" a girl but he was gay too. Being gay wasn't right. At least not in his family. He was a disgrace, an outsider. He was the one family member no one wanted to talk to.

[warning: strong language]

He should have kept his mouth shut. None of this would have happened if he just kept his f*g-like mouth shut. All he had to do...WAS SHUT UP!

"Shut up! You're not gay! No son of mine IS GAY!" Shouted his father. He threw his hand at Lance's face and it came into contact with his cheek, leaving a hard red hand-shaped spot on him.

Lance hissed.

"You're a f*cking disgrace to the McClain family!LEAVE! LEAVE YOU F*G! YOU'RE JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHERS!"

"Mama, Papa, please~" Lance begged. His body ached and so did his chest. His mother held a shoe in her hand and brought it down on his head. The heel dug into the side of his head and it was probably going to leave a dark bruise in the morning.

"MAMA, I LOVE YOU PLEASE!" Lance held his hand out for his mother but his father slapped it away and spat at him.

"Don't touch her, you sinful waste of air. Go die."

Lance bit his lip, hard. It started to bleed. His father kicked his side and sent him rolling across the floor. "Get out! I don't want to see you again."

[warning: over]

The door slammed shut and loud Spanish cursing started and things started to brake. Lance heard his sister scream and a loud crash that sounded like glass and then silence. He was already under the bed.

How a 16 year old managed to get under a twin bed, he didn't know. The human body could do a lot of impossible things when in a heavy situation.

That's how it happened. He couldn't keep his mouth shut. "I'm bisexual." Didn't seem like such a threat to him. But he guessed it was different for his parents.

Lance deserved it. He was a bad person. He knocked some random girl out at a party because he couldn't withhold his vampire instinct and now he was on the streets. Yeah, talk about karma. 

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