Finding Keith

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The nightmares were getting worse for Lance. Ha hadn't had a night terror like this since before Keith but now they keep getting worse.

The brunette would wake up in a sweat at night, panting like a dog and scared out of his mind. His mother's face the last thing he saw before he was woken with terror running through his bones.

But now he would have Keith by his side. Lance was forever grateful for that fact. His nightmares would cease and he was safe with Keith. But for weeks, his dreams were the same events over and over.

Lance remembered the first time he met Keith. It was at a convention and he spilled his Starbucks drink on the poor boy. Of course, at the time, Lance had no idea Keith was "hard of hearing" so he tried to apologize...

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." He panicked. Lance quickly began to apologize to the boy who from the looks of it seemed to be about his age.

Although this boy was a lot shorter than him. Lance was at least 5 inches taller than him. The boy had dark black, almost jet black hair that was cut in this funny style Lance had never seen before. His eyes were sharp and scary but his face was round and gentle.

The boy waved his hand at Lance. It took the brunette a second to realize that it was ASL and that this boy would never speak actual words to him.

That was the first time Lance say Keith. He remembered how he felt walking away from that awkward conversation feeling his heart pounding and his body heavy like he had run a mile.

Lance didn't know what this feeling was...he didn't till later.

That was how he felt meeting Keith. 

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