Chapter Four {Part 2}

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Word Count: 1807

I'm scared of a car.

No, not 'cars'. A car. As in, the black SUV parked out front carrying four boys—men, almost—that I love and have missed for months, but who terrify me when I think of seeing them.

I peer out my window, careful to stay in the shadows. I'm holding on to the idea that if I hide long enough, the boys will forget about me and I'll have more time to prepare myself.

The door to the passenger side opens, and a guy in a black t-shirt hops out. I'm too high up to make out who it is, but I think it might be Ethan. Ethan, the drummer for FREE and ¼ of the nightmare in my driveway.

Another door is opening, the driver's side this time. I don't recognize the man who comes out, but it doesn't matter, because my attention is quickly drawn to the back doors, which are opening. There's Ryder, Eli and—


I make a noise in the back of my throat, somewhere between a squeak, a whimper, and a groan. There's only one word that can describe the inevitable outcome of this meeting: Bad.

"Savvy! Butt downstairs, now!" Jackson hates it when any one of us is late to something. Apparently, this counts.

Shoot. There goes my genius plan.

The boys are flocked outside, a mountain of luggage lying ignored in the center of the drive. Good heavens, if it's this crazy now, what will it be like by the time Donavan gets here? By then, everyone but him will be home, and with the added annoyance—I mean blessing—of Fletcher's bandmates, things may get out of hand.

"Bro!" Ryder yells

"Bro!" Dylan yells back. The two boys jump up, colliding in mid-air. There's a crack as their skulls connect, and I wince. The boys, of course, burst out laughing.

I take that back. Things will definitely get out of hand.

"Savannah!" Ethan sing-songs, catching sight of me. He holds out his arms. "Get in here."

"Hi, Ethan." My voice is muffled by his shirt as he squeezes me.

"Little Fletch!" Someone lifts me from behind and judging by the nickname, it's Ryder. "How's it going?" He sets me down and turns me so I can face him.

"You know." I shrug and offer him a half-smile. "Badly."

"I know." He pulls me into a hug and holds on tight, humming. I close my eyes and breathe in, long and slow.

At least, he steps back. "Better?"

"Yeah." This time, I manage an almost full smile.

"Oh my gosh, my favorite Hamilton!" It's Eli, beaming and racing over to hug me. I peek over his shoulder and see Fletcher behind him, arms crossed, a smile on his face. He catches my eye and winks. I offer a little wave in return before Eli places me back on my feet.

"Hey, Fletcher." I stand still, fully aware of the awkward silence hanging over us. Uhhh...

"Hey, Baby." He sounds different than I remember—but it's been a few months. Almost a year, now that I think about it. I wonder what else has changed. How does he feel about me now?

Fletcher answers that question by engulfing me in a warm hug. I suck in my breath, surprised, then bite my lip as he whispers, "I'm so sorry." His shoulders shake, and it takes me a moment to realize that he's crying. Or close to it.

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