Bloody Lines

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New scar,

same skin.

The scar won't last

so she digs in again.

Wipes the blood on her fingers

then licks them clean.

Tastes pretty good

but she already knew that.

Trapped in the car with two hours to go,

she's got the itch

and plans to scratch when she gets home.

She loves the scars

and this she can do.

And how is it different than that guy's tattoo?

The scars are her proof

that she's suffered too

and she's come out stronger

and with an excuse.

Aren't they so pretty 

with her white tights?

Each one stands for something,

they show the battle with her mind.

Her boyfriend's been busy,

not a problem except

surprise insecurity moved in while she slept.

She's only allowed to be secure.

That's why there's ice in her eyes.

But tonight she ruined her image of cold

and now she needs to see those bloody lines.

One cut will stand for weakness

and one will stand for fear.

One will stand for badass bitch

because she sheds no tears.

Three cuts has always been enough

but if she needed four,

that would stand for for living still,

fulfillment  in the sore.

Her bathroom won't be red.

No one will know what she just did.

And she'll be watching for the scars to fade

so she can trace them back again.

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