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The silence in the room was deafening.

I was stunned. Was Ohm really willing to compromise the mission just for me? Those files were the key we needed to close this case, a far too valuable asset to give up, even for me, and this Ohm should know that.

"Please," Ohm begged B. "I'll tell you anything you want to know. Just please let Fluke go."

My heart skipped a beat as a sudden realization dawned on me.

One look into his pleading eyes confirmed that this was my Ohm.

My eyes struggled to focus, a combination of the blinding pain in my head and the tears I fought to hold back.

" long?" I felt a single tear roll down my cheek.

His eyes locked on mine and I knew he understood my question.

He was silent for a moment. "A week," he said quietly.

Since the night we kissed?

Ohm nodded as if he could read my mind.

I closed my eyes as more tears threatened to escape as I struggled to pull myself to a seated position. There wasn't a place on my body that didn't hurt, but nothing hurt more than the pain in my chest. 

"Why...why didn't you tell me?" He had his memories back for a whole week and didn't mention it even once. 

"Because I told him not to say anything or else I would kill you," B looked down at us, an amused expression on his face. "I think this is far more entertaining though."

I cried out in pain as B reached down and lifted me by the collar, turning me to face Ohm, who was still on the floor.

"Let him go," Ohm growled, pulling himself up to his knees. "I will tell you what you want if you let him go."

No. There was no way in hell I was going to let this bastard get away. I didn't care what happened to me. 

"He can't tell you anything! He doesn't know where I put it and I'm not telling you a thing--UNGH!" My words were met with a foot to the back of my knees, which made me fall to the ground in front of Ohm.

"One of you knows and one of you will tell me." 

"Fluke, tell him please," Ohm pleaded with me.

"Ohm, you know it won't stop him. He's not going to let either of us go, regardless, so if I can keep him from winning, it will be worth it."

"I can't let anything happen to you." Ohm's eyes looked desperate; begging.

"It's too late for that, Ohm. You know just as well as I do that there's no way out for us, even if we give him what he wants."  


"I love you, Ohm. No matter what happens." 

"I hate to ruin this tender moment, but we need to get things moving here." B turned to one of his men. "Take him away," he said, nodding at me. The henchman hoisted me to my feet and started to push me toward the door, which was met with Ohm's loud protests. 

As we got to the door, there was a loud commotion on the other side and I smiled as I recognized a familiar voice. 

"Earth, I have a favor to ask of you and Kao." 

Three weeks ago, I had met up to have lunch with my best friend and the third member of our team. I had been trying to decide what to do with the drive Ohm had given me before our accident and I couldn't think of a better safe spot for it than our team's very own tech specialist, Kao, who was also Earth's husband. 

I slid the drive across the table to him. "I need you or Kao to put this somewhere for safe keeping. This thing with Ohm's memories needs to clear up before we can put it in to play, but it is crucial to our case and I can't let it get in to the wrong hands."

"You got it. I know exactly where Kao can keep it until you need it." Earth flashed me his brilliant smile that always brightened up the room. 

"Thank you. I also have another favor to ask, especially of Kao. I need him to keep a close eye on mine and Ohm's trackers for a little while. I feel like things are about to escalate with the knowledge of the contents of this drive and if there is any unusual activity, you guys know what to do." 

I had been on the phone with Earth that morning when I caught Ohm trying to sneak off, which I now knew was to the park to rendezvous with B and Earth sprung in to action quickly. 

The commotion was just the distraction I needed to elbow B's man in the ribs and snatch the gun from him with my wrists still tied. The other men were fast, but I was faster as I quickly aimed at my target; their boss's head, and everyone froze as Earth and the rest of our team came through the door behind me, their guns drawn. 

My eyes were zoned in on B, my hand steady for how weak I felt. 

"You're a lot smarter than I thought, I have to hand it to you." B held his hands up defensively in front of himself. "But still not smarter than me."

B lunged toward me, to which I responded by sending a round whizzing by his ear, so close, it caused his hair to blow, and he froze in his tracks.

"I was top of my class. I don't have to miss," I said, training the gun back dead center of his head. "Surrender. Or you will die," I hissed.

I could see how conflicted B was, but I guess his need to live outweighed his need to win and eventually he nodded, signaling to his men to stand down as the team came in and took them in to custody. 

Earth, who was closest to Ohm, ran over to untie his wrists and he made his way over to me, where I was frozen in shock. 

"Hey, Fluke, it's okay," Ohm said gently, prying the gun from my clenched fingers. "It's over now."

My eyes focused on him, only to blur again from the tears that filled them. 

All the adrenaline that had kept me upright had drained from my body and I felt my knees start to collapse under me. Ohm hooked my still-tied wrists over his head as he scooped me up behind my knees. 

"I've got you," Ohm whispered as he carried me away from all the excitement and it was the last thing I heard before my vision went dark.

And somewhere in the darkness, I found peace.

The darkness swirled in my vision until my peace was disturbed by a blinding light and the distant sounds of chatter and machinery that got louder as I pushed my way toward the light. 

I opened my eyes to find myself in a hospital bed, a piercing pain in my head. A gasp from next to me caught my attention.

"Fluke! You're awake!" My best friend's cheerful grin turned to the tall man sitting beside him. Kao's eyes smiled behind his square-rimmed glasses as he patted my shoulder. 

The door to the hospital room opened and Earth's eyes lit up. "Ohm! He just woke up!" 

I gave Earth a confused look as I turned to look at the figure who approached my bed. My eyes struggled to focus on the dark-haired man who gazed down at me so tenderly. 

"Who...who are you?" 

Secret Mission - An OhmFluke Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now