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{Thank you to a Special Supporter, who really helped me brainstorm this chapter! I really appreciate the help and it really brought the chapter together! Enjoy everyone!}

I remembered everything.

I don't know how.

I just remember waking up to see his deep eyes the color of soil after a rain storm and I knew I had seen them before.

Not because we worked together.

I knew I had stared at these eyes and watched how they sparkled when he laughed. I knew I had watched the light fade from them when he was sad. I knew I had gazed so deeply into his dark, alluring eyes until everything else faded away.

And I knew I loved him.

My instincts had kicked in automatically as I flipped Fluke over and pinned him to the bed, a shocked expression on his face.

But seeing Fluke's face so close to mine, smelling his familiar scent, brought back a wave of memories that overwhelmed me. It was as if a light had switched on.

I remembered his scent, his touch, his everything. I couldn't help myself as I closed the distance between us and crushed my lips to his.

At first I wasn't sure how he would react, but then I felt him accept my kiss and had a glimmer of hope. I never could have imagined how much my heart could ache for someone I didn't even know I had lost, but now that I had found him again, it felt even more dear to me than anything I could have ever kept. 

I craved more as he ran his hands through my hair and I tried to burn my fingerprints into his skin, but then I felt Fluke freeze beneath me and both of his hands on my chest pushed me away to sit up.

I watched his eyes flash from hope to confusion to pain and it broke my heart. I wanted to hold him, to tell him that I was here, that I remembered everything, but he slid away from me.

" can't. Not like this."

I tried to stop him, but he turned and hurried from the room before I could say anything. Not like this? What did he mean? Was it because he didn't know my memories were back? Or because I was still a little intoxicated from our night out with our friends?

I had to go talk to him, but something caught my eye and made me freeze in my tracks before I could walk through the door: a blood red piece of paper sticking out of the pocket of my jacket that hung by the door. The same blood red papers we've been following a trail of for months. I reached for the paper with shaking fingers and opened it.

When you remember, come find me.
You know where.
Don't tell anyone.
I'll kill him.


The words made my blood run cold. The note was slipped into my pocket sometime between the accident and now. B must be closer than we thought. They must know that we've been getting close to solving this case. They must know how close I am to Fluke. I know too much and that's why we were hit. That's why I can't tell anyone I have my memories back. B needed me. As a pawn in this game they were playing. And if I don't play, Fluke will die. I had no choice.

A week later, I knew right were B wanted to meet: the park where everything started.

Somehow, Fluke figured out where I was going and followed me even though I had tried everything to avoid him. Which is how our argument started and how I ended up saying anything and everything just to get him to leave. I knew B had to be watching me and saw Fluke follow me, even though I was told to come alone. It pained me to tell him I didn't need him when it was the biggest lie I could have ever told, but I was desperate for him to go before anything happened.

Secret Mission - An OhmFluke Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now