Moving in

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You end the embrace between the two of you. "Did you.. Uh.. Bring anything". He said "No I don't really have anything to bring". You replied "Well except this". You pull out a picture of your family out of your purse (if you own them). "Cool" he said. He took the picture and put in on his dressed to the right of his bed. "Oh I got a mattress for you" he entered the closet and pulled out a frame and a mattress and started to put it together. As he did this you two caught up. He finished. Aren't you two just love birds, just kidding. You smack Mathew because he said something that offended you. "OW.. Sorry I dident mean to offend you". "Well maybe you should think before you talk". He pushed the bed so the foot is next to the door and the head is next to the closet door you notice it is 13:00 (ha I did that on purpose). You jump into your new bed. "God natt". You sleep

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