The First Day

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You wake up at 6 am. You rustle around in bed trying to go to sleep again. "I wonder who runs the university". Get up and research?

                       Get up

You get up after pure curiosity you sit down at Matt's computer you look up "The American University". After googling it you click on the top link, on the page there is nothing but two pictures of some people that look the same and some text ubove them saying 'These are your founders" you look at the picture again one of them is holding what looks like a hamburger and the other one is holding a stuffed polar bear "He's Cute" you say (which one is cute, you decide.

                    Don't get up

Since your really lazy you lie there in the bed instead of doing something productive.

Mathew wakes up. "What are you doing so late" he said "nothing really". "Well you better go its the first day of school ". He said you look at the clock and saw that is it 7:30. "Don't you go to school" you said. He looks dramatically up into the sky but really he's only looking at the roof "not anymore".  "Lazy Ass" you mutter under your breath. You take your purse and run down the hallway grabing your jacket with you. You run down the steps and out the door, then you realize that you need a ride. Mathew walks out the door. "You need a ride". He says "yeah thanks" you replied. you get into his car you literaly did not have any conversation whatsoever about the school. You get to the school, you get out of the car you rode in, the university has a gate which is were your standing at inside the gate is a sidewalk leading to the middle of he place that was a circle at that circle it branches off in 4 directions to the right was the girls dorm, to the left was the boys dorm, and if you kept walking straight there was the school building, you walk into the building to the left is a desk with a lady in it (not a secretary). "Hey the meeting is at the first door to your left". You walk through the door in front of you and there you found a big long juicy hallway you get into the door on your left, there is a whole bunch of people in it. It was a cafeteria kind of, you could fold up the tables and there was a basketball court eched into the ground you sit at a table in the far back with two blonds. A voice sounded over some speakers. "HEY DUDES, HOW YA DOIN I HAVE TO TALK TO YOU IN PERSON SO IM COMEING OUT NOW... OH BEFORE I DO THAT I HAVE SOME HAMBURGERS FOR YOU GUYS".  a maid walked over to your table and many others to other tables they all had a tray with a butt load of hamburgers, the voice sounded again "OK NOW IM COMING OUT". A man come out on stage. The two blonds fainted, "JUST KIDDING, THATS MY BROTHER CANADA.". "so thats his name" you say to yourself. The two blonds get back. "PFF Canada is a stupid america wannabe". Talk Back?

Talk back(You can only talk back if you decided Canada was cute)

You jump over the table and tackle one of the blondes. You start punching her in the face. "You heartless whore, Canada is perfect just the way he is". You think she's learned her lesson you turn back around and everyone is looking at you and Canada is blushing. The blonde that you beat the shit out of walks out the door with her friend.

              Don't talk back

(Despite being completely wrong) you ingnore the stupid blond

" HA I BET I GOT YOU GUYS, ANYWAY, CANADA CAN COME BACK NOW". Canada walks off the stage. america slides in ON his knees "HI DUDES, IM YOUR PRINCIBLE". "That's a hot ass princible " you say to yourself . the principle speaks "my name is america aka Alfred, you've probably been thinking that the cafeteria actually has a--" he starts eating hamburgers that he grabed out of nowhere *munch munch munch*. A maid walks up next to him looking as if she was annoyed. " *sigh* his vocab can be sometimes overwealming, he says --actually has a basketball court in the floor this is because we have the most needed things all in one room food and sports.


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