The Second Day

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So after the pricible's speech it was a pretty normal day at school other that the geometry teacher teaching us the square root of hamburger. That was kinda wierd. So you get picked up by your friend mathew, you arrive at the apartment, rada rada rada (literally 6% of you are going to get that reference). You hop on the computer (windows 7 of course). "WAIT"!  Mathew yells Stop?


You decide to stop and let mathew do what he needs to do. He walks over to the computer, right clicks on the Google chrome app and hits close all windows. "Thanks" he says. Mathew appreciates this

                  Don't Stop

Being the meany pantz you are you click the Google chrome icon and a window opens with... Obscene images he was looking something up... OMG..he looked up..oh man I don't think you can handle it... He looked up.... How to build your own band. (Got you didn't i) Mathew's fuckin pissed. You turn around and glared at him "you know I hate it when you bring buddys over here to reverse" "yeah I know" he says let's just say this predicament never happened. "Agreed" you replied back. You then leave for grocerys. Since it wasent that far you decide to to walk. "I should grab some pancake stuffs". As you walk you see the road and sidewalk that just so happeneds to be the shortest way to the grocery store is under construction. On either side of the road there is buildings on the right you see an allyway "might as well cut through the ally it'll be faster". You say to yourself you look down the ally and there in the middle the ally branches off in 3 directions forward left and right. You walk down the ally, its very quiet. You reach the middle "Hey sweet cheeks". A scraggady voice says in the right branch off. You look in that direction. There stands a tall man, menacing. Two men from behind grab you and pulls you into the left branch. The two men pin you against the wall . The first man you saw stands in front of you. "Do you know how long we've been waiting for a pretty girl like you to walk down this ally". He starts to unbuckle his pants. "NO"! You yell. You try to shake out of the two men's grip. But its no good. "Oh come on baby it will be over fast I promise". He rips your shirt down exposing your chest "STOP.. H.. Help"! you yell. "Oh don't worry sweet cheeks no one can hear you hear, after all the workers just left ". You here a voice coming from the other branch. "LET GO OF HER RIGHT NOW". you look to the silloet in the right branch its the principle. "Umm excuse me I didn't here you". The tall man says as he takes out a pocket knife. "Then you better go check with the doctor dude because I said it loud and clear". The princible responds "go take care of him" the tall man says to the two men that are holding you down. They leave but before you could move the taller man grabs you. "Now where were we". He says. The tall man pulls down his pants along with his underpants. You try to kick him in the junk. But he dodges and presses his body against you he forces your pants down. You look to the right you see the princible fighting one of the men took a swing at him. America raises his arm to block and his other to punch him. Then the other one aims for america's gut , but he dodges to the right grabs his arm and forces it down onto his knee breaking it. he walks over to the tall man and pulls him off of you, but its too late the man already entered you, you fall to the ground crying. "You son of a bitch " america says. The tall man takes out his pocket knife and flips it up. He charges at America and scratches his arm. Its gushing with blood. "That was my new coat" america says and punches the man in the face knocking him out. You, crying get up and almost tackle america as you hug him "THANK YOU"! You realize that you do not have pants on but it doesent matter to you right know. "OK dude you should probably put your pants up" america smiles. You do. America picks you up. Holding your head in his right arm and the inside of your knee in the other. He brings you to his car he puts you into the passenger seat and buckles you. You fall asleep


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