The Third Day

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You wake up your in an room, in  bed. With a polor bear sleeping with you. "What the" you exclaim. The bear wakes up "oh you've woken up what's your name." "I'm (name)". You replied. You look behind the bear, there is someone sitting in a chair on the other side of the room sleeping. "Who's that". You ask. "I'm not sure" the polar bear replies. The polar bear gets up and gives the person a nudge, the person wakes up "what's your name" the polar bear asks. "Why I'm Canada" the person says. "So you've woken up" Canada says. You remove the blanket and stand up. "So where am I" you say. Canada's face glows bright red "umm... You should probably put pants on". You look down and realize that your only in your tank top and underwear, you grab the blanket and cover yourselve "could.. Could you go get my clothes for me" you say nervously. Canada leaves the room. The polar bear lays on your lap "I'm kuma" he says. You start petting him. Not long after America comes in "hey dude I hope you don't mind that I striped you down while you were sleeping". Your face glows bright red at the thought of america striping you, you feel a warm liquid coming down your nose. "Anyway here are your clothes" america hands them to you. "And I can't help but notice that your really cute when you sleep". You feel more liquid coming out of your nose. Canada speaks "are you okay you seem to be bleeding". You rub your finger along the bottom of your nostrils you look at your fingers. Its blood. Imediatly after you slap your hand around your nose "yeah I'm fine". "Okay well you get dressed and canada and i will leave". They exit. You get dressed "I can't believe that I just had a nose bleed in front of the principle" you say to yourself. You walk out of the room the house looks identical to yours. "I made you some breakfast" canada says. He lays down a plate full of pancakes. You sit down and scarf down the pancakes.

"Hey uh guys could you like drive me to school" you say. "Sure dude we could take you anywhere you want". America drives you to the school in his big ass hummer you both get out you enter the school "well seeya later dude" he rests his hand on your head. Without really trying you give him a kiss on the cheek. "Right so I'll get going" you say.

Your now in geometry 5. The teacher asks you a question "what is shape" he points to a trapazoid "umm a rhombus" you replied. Everyone proceeds to laugh at you. You didn't really mind this other than that one girl named who sits next to you. Her daily routine consists of looking pretty and gossip about every little thing, she's also a really bad whisperer when she turns to her friend who is also next to her. She whispers in the most obnoxiously loud voice. It is lunch now you get your whatever it is from the lunch ladie. You go to sit down alone like you usually do. Then Lucy and her "squad" comes over "so how you doing rhombus girl". She says "hey just leave me alone" you say. One of the squadmembers speaks up "ahh you here that she wants us to stop". She the pulls the lunch from your arms and dumps the food. Lucy then takes the sloppy Joe that she had on her plate and shoves it in your face. Barely holding back your tears you run to a bathroom and clean yourselfe off. When your done you sit down alone again.bjust then a boy with an eyepatch walks over to you with his lunch and sits down next to you "hey you OK" the boy says. "Y...yeah I'm fine" you replied."here you can have my lunch" he slides his lunch over to you. "Oh yeah my name is sam" he says as he lifts out his hand.(This is a reference to my newest story "the sharingan") That day you made a good friend figure out that Sam actually moved next door to you because of the situation he was in, but he never shared what it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2015 ⏰

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