_Tears of Silence_

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"Guys! Come hear! Food is ready!" Nguyen yelled to both of them.

Martha goes to the living room first, followed by Marthio next. When they arrive, what they see is everybody, taking their position seated, with one bowl of instant noodle and a cup of hot chocolate each on their side.

Brother Kham who is seated on the carpet below the sofa greets them and tells Maria to share the rest of the food and drink.

"Here take it" Maria offers with a smile on her face.

"Thank you," they reply.

Marthio and Martha sit on the side of the sofa. Kirana, Maria, and Alissa, as always seen together, sit on the sofa. Nguyen sat near the window, seeing the dark sky outside with heavy rain. Jeanitha, Aran and Anirudh are on the floor, sitting cross-legged. While Syukri and Ayolisious are on the carpet too, near Kham.

They eat silently, accompanied by the sound of raindrops and various other conversations that were faintly heard.

"I did it"

All eyes are on the source of the voice. It's Jeanitha who's talking.

"I finally could receive my package which I order 1 month ago"

Kirana and Maria's eyes are widely open. Aran and Anirudh too. That long?

"And why is that exactly?" Alissa asks, feeling suspicious.

"That's beca-"

"I guess you forget to transfer your money again like last time," Ayolisious interrupted. He knows all of his siblings' technical difficulties. They don't have his type of brain, with a high IQ.

"No, that's beca-"

"I think you put the wrong address in the formulir this time," Nguyen interrupted.

"No, no, no, n-"

"You don't buy anything!" Marthio exclaimed with his finger pointing at Jeanitha. Jeanitha is shocked but she pushes his finger anyway.

"No! Listen fi-"

"You buy it on an illegal site? Am I right?" Martha asks, raising her eyebrows.

"I can't tell you if you keep on interrupting me!" Jeanitha shouted.

Syukri gets up and strokes her shoulder. "Be patient, stay cool.."

Jeanitha starts to calm down. Her breath was no longer panting.

"And buy me present"


Ouchh, that's Jeanitha slapping Syukri. She hugged her knees, feeling cheated.

"I didn't say anything wrong, you guys forgot my birthday. All of you," he mutters.

They all kept in silence. Right, they all forget their sibling's birthday. What a terrible person they are. But, there will always be bright people in every dark situation. Anirudh pretends to search something to give for his brother's present. Starting from his favorite comb, his faithful mirror, and his turtle-neck sweater, he wraps them together with Nguyen's test paper.

"That's mine, Rudh. You shouldn't use it if it is related to your own interests. Plus I believe I have kept that in my folder," Nguyen protested as soon as she saw her poor test paper.

"It's Jeanitha who took it from your folder! Not me," Anirudh answers defensively while keeping focus on wrapping his "presents".

"I'm sure she has a good reason for that," Nguyen said, taking a slight glance at frowning Jeanitha before continuing her sentence.

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