IQ #14: slap me bcus i didnt update wolfie book

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Nugget: that giant box is Coon's gift for me?

Cupcake: Yep

Nugget: she's inside of it, isn't she?

Cupcake: Yep

KJ, inside the box: I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL HER


Peaches: if you're not in my circle of trust, you're probably in my triangle of suspicion, or my rhombus of doubt. So many shapes, so many people


Genie: you get 26 wishes

KJ: ...isn't it normally 3?

Genie: y-yeah but *gestures vaguely at KJ* you've got a lot going on


Nugget: tell me the scariest story you know bro

Peaches: life without you bro

Nugget: [hand to heart and tearing up] bro.


Muffin: what's the WiFi password?

CEO: ma'am, this is an important meeting...

Muffin, typing: ma'


Cupcake: it's Christmas season, you know what that means!

Muffin: everyone trying to kill each other at the dinner table?

Peaches: the sweet release of death?

KJ: the fact that I'm getting coal in my stocking?

Cupcake: i was gonna say "Nugget's baking cookies" but you know what, we're all gonna take a nice field trip to therapy

-'re giving me...a sticker...?

Muffin: not just any sticker! It has a kitty on it and says "me-WOW"

KJ: I'm not a preschooler

Muffin: fine I'll just take it back then

KJ: back off, I earned this kitty sticker!


KJ: I'm 80% exhaustion, 10% sarcasm , and 20% doesn't care

Peaches: that's 110%...

KJ: 20% doesn't care

Peaches: yeah should've seen that coming


Cupcake: we're going out in public so I expect you all to be on your very best behavior

KJ: *scoffs* Yeah, Alph

Cupcake: I was talking to you specifically but sure


Cubby: someone care to explain why we have six golden retrievers in our house???

Muffin: Duh, they're golden retrievers, Cubs, they retrieve gold! I did this for us


Muffin: what's your spirit animal?

KJ: idk probably a wolf

Muffin: oh that's co-

KJ: or Shrek


Cupcake: why are you sad?

Muffin: I realized fire-breathing dragons can't blow out their birthday candles :(


Cupcake: :(


KJ, after embarrassing herself in front of a live-studio audience when she somehow walked onto the set of Sharknado and didn't know what to do so started belting Baby Shark until security escorted her out: I want to fucking die

Security guard: watch your language

KJ: hecky heck, I crave death!


Muffin: I saw a cat at the hospital today

Cupcake: why were you at the hospital????

Muffin: I crashed the car and got a concussion. Anyway, the cat was so cu-

Cupcake: yoU WHAT-

Muffin: you're really focusing on the wrong part here


Nugget: imma start picking eggs from the carton randomly so they don't know who's next

Nugget: I just love drama and tension


Cubby: did you just fall?

Peaches: no I attacked the floor

Cubby: backwards?

Peaches: I'm so talented


Muffin: *gets hit by a car*


Muffin: m-my cellphone...please

[opens Salz group chat]

Muffin: lmao you guys WON'T believe what just happened


Peaches: hey guys- why are you all standing on chairs??? Is this a game?

Nugget: yeah, we're all playing "we saw a big ass spider and we don't know where the fuck it went"

Peaches: *scrambles onto chair*

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