IQ #21: god it's brutal out here

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Due to Nugget's request: here's an HSMTMTSxHP incorrect quotes chappy :)


Ron: In my defense, I was left unsupervised

Hermione: Wasn't EJ with you?

EJ: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised

Ricky: Fred, I know you ate my chocolate frog

Fred [internally]: shit, think quick

Fred: I'm George

A/N: *gags*

Lily [not potter]: If ugly things didn't exist, beautiful things wouldn't either

Hermione: Thank you for your sacrifice

EJ: I'm playing hard to get

Ashlyn: Why would you do that? You're already hard to want

Voldemort: Burnnnnn, gimme five, gurl

Ashlyn: Dude, you literally don't have a nose

Hermione: How would you rate your pain?

Carlos: Zero stars.


Carlos: Would not recommend

Draco: Red hair and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley!

Big Red: Oh no actually I got this from my mom, it's premium silk

Nini *during confessionals and staring at Ricky instead of the camera*: What's Juliet without her Romeo?

Ginny from behind the camera: Alive

EJ: Guys, I impulsively bought a snake, what should I name him?

Ashlyn: You did whAT?

Harry: William Snakspeare

Carlos: Why do you guys like being in the rain?

Seb: I like splashing in the puddles!

Fred and George: We're trying to get struck by lightning

Nini: I wrote a song about tortillas

Nini: Actually it's more of a wrap *ba dum tsh*

Kourtney: Nini, it's 3AM please sleep.

Hagrid: Are you okay?

Gina: *laying face down* I'm sad.

Hagrid: damn, me too

Hagrid: No wait, hi sad, i'm Hagrid.

Hagrid: I mean, what's wrong?

Luna: Don't fear death, fear the state in which you die

Big Red: Utah???

*Ricky and Harry sitting in jail together*

Ricky: So, who should we call?

Harry: I'd call Hermione, but I feel safer in this cell

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