The New Kids

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"Class, it appears more gremlins are joining this class so I need you to treat with the utmost respect." Mr. Aizawa said, taking a sip of his "coffee". "Do I make myself clear?" "Yes Mr. Aizawa" the class replied.

Mina looked behind her at Kaminari and said, "I wonder who the new students are?" Kaminari replied with, "I know right!" "I'm super excited!" Iida then butted into their conversation saying,"You two should respect your new classmates by being quiet and waiting for them to come in and introduce themselves." "Fine Mr. Class rep." Mina and Kaminari said; Mina turning back around to face the teacher while pouting and Kaminari sporting the same look on his face while slumping down in his seat.

"Okay, can the first one of your come in here and introduce yourself." Mr Aizawa said as the door burst open a few seconds later.

"HELLO EVERYONE!!!!!" The person yelled as they ran into the room. Aizawa was beyond pissed about the outburst of the newest student because he was close to falling asleep.

"State your name and quirk." Aizawa said, a trance of anger and tiredness in his voice. "The name's Monkey D. Luffy." Luffy said, giving the class a big, warm smile while waving his hand vigorously. "Your quirk kid." Aizawa replied, even more annoyed by Luffy's loud voice and personality.

"My quirk?" Luffy said. "I'm a rubber man, that's all you need to know teach." Luffy said, giving Aizawa a smile. "Any questions for Luffy before I bring out the next student?" Aizawa taking another sip of his "coffee". Deku raised his hand.

"Deku?" Aizawa said. "Can you show me how your quirk works please?" Deku said, whipping out his trusty notepad and pen, turning to a fresh page, ready to take notes. "Well okay!" Luffy replied, getting ready to use his quirk. "HERE GOES!" Luffy exclaimed as as he reached his arm out, his arm eventually reaching the back of the room and touching the back wall. Everyone looked at the boy as he pulled his arm back to is normal length. Aizawa then broke the silence by saying,"Okay Luffy, You're going to sit in the back row behind Hagakure." "Who's Hagakure?" Luffy asked looking around. "Right here!" Hagakure said, waving her hand in the air. "Ah, thanks!" Luffy exclaimed, walking to the seat behind her and sitting in the seat.

"Can the next one of you come into the room now?" Aizawa asked, but he didn't expected to see what he saw. What he saw was a moss haired, tall man with not one, not two, but THREE sword across his belt walk in. Not to mention he had his shirt around his waist, so everyone could see the huge scar covering his chest. Also he had a scar over his right eye, leaving him "visually impaired".

"U-um can you state your name and quirk to the class." Aizawa said, immediately eyeing the huge scar across the younger man's chest. "The name's Roronoa Zoro." The man said. My quirk is demon but I will not be showing it due to the reason that it will cause collateral damage to the classroom and if we get a bill Nami will be PISSED." "The scar over my chest came from a sword fight, and the one over my eye happened while training." I can still open it, but when I open it, my quirk activates and as I stated I stated before, I can not show my quirk due to collateral damages."

"Any questions?" Aizawa asked, but the class stayed silent. "Okay you'll sit behind Bakugo, which is the one with the blonde hair." "Thanks teach", Zoro said as he walked towards the seat and sat down.

Know what, to speed things up, the next two students come in and introduce yourselves. Aizawa said, drinking more of his "coffee". This time, A woman with a bo staff and a man with a slingshot came into the room, one following behind the other. The lady said," My name is Nami, and my quirk is called weather control, since I know one of you are infatuated with other peoples' quirks, I'll show it to you." Nami said while walking towards a window. "Would you mind turning your attention to this window." Nami said, tapping be bo staff lightly on the window to get everyone's attention. She then tapped her bo staff on the window and suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed outside, making the class jump up in shock. "Okay thank you Nami." Aizawa said. "Can the boy please introduce himself now?"

"I am the legendary God Ussop!" The man exclaimed. "The greatest warrior of the sea!" Aizawa replied saying, "Okay Ussop, state your quirk." "Well, I can't explain it, so I better well just show you!" Ussop said, pointing his finger straight at Bakugo in like a finger gun. "And, FIRE!" Ussop exclaimed as he fired the air bullet and hit Bakugo in the middle of the forehead. "THE HELL WAS THAT FOR KNAPPYHEAD!!!! Bakugo screamed rubbing his forehead. "Welp, thats how it works." Ussop exclaimed. "And also thank you Bakugo, you were a great volunteer." Any questions?" Aizawa said, chugging more of his "coffee". Mina raised her hand and Aizawa said, "Yes Mina." "This is for Nami." Mina said. "Yes Mina?" Nami replied. "I just wanted to ask what's with the bo staff you use?" Mina asked, her head cocking slightly. "It's for fighting actually, I use it to direct the weather I create at the opponent." Nami said thumping the bo staff on the ground. "Okay you two go sit down behind Izuku, which is the boy with the freckles , and Mineta, the boy with the purple hair." Aizawa said, chugging the last of the "coffee" he was drinking.

"Know what, I'm getting tired of this whole introduction thing." Aizawa then said, setting hie coffee cup down on his desk. "All the kids still outside of the class, come in and state your name, forget about the whole state your quirk thing, we'll find out when we go out to assess your strength.

After that, 8 more people walked into the room. A girl, a reindeer human hybrid , a cyborg, a blond haired guy, a skeleton, two normal looking people, one girl and one no one could tell, and a wolf-human hybrid, State your name. Aizawa said, annoyed, "And hurry it up I ain't got all day.

"My name's Nico Robin", the girl said slightly bowing down.

"My name's Tony Tony Chopper!" The reindeer-human hybrid said.

"The name's Franky." The cyborg said.

"My name is Brook." The skeleton said.

"My name's Sanji, the blond haired male said.

"Hello, my name is Aitzo," the boy of the two normal looking people said.

"Sup, My name is Ichikai", the wolf-human hybrid said while doing a salute.

"And my names' Shitai", the genderless person said, making that the end of introductions

"There now Robin sit behind the girl with the pony tail, Chopper sit behind Robin, Franky sit behind Nami, Brook behind Ussop, Aitzo behind Zoro, Ichikai behind Luffy, and Shitai behind Ichikai." Aizawa said while all of the student scattered around, trying to find their seats.

"Now we're going to work on a bit of work before going out to train, do I make myself clear" Mr.. Aizawa said. "Yes sir." The kids said.

"Now lets get to work".

I FINISHED THIS CHAPTER FINALLY!!! This took FOREVER to finish and it's finally done! I wont be uploading another chapter until after school tomorrow, since its late. Sorry it's so long, I wanted it to be shorter but I didn't want to make this into multiple parts. I promise I'll the following chapters a bit shorter if I can. Anyways, I'm out!

Word count:1304

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