Before the Battles Begin

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AUTHORS NOTE: There is a trigger warning for this because the will include descriptions of blood, pervertedness, and  misgendering. If you are sensitive to any of these topics, please exercise with caution while reading this chapter.

"Okay you kids, come on it's time to go and train." Mr Aizawa said, walking towards the door. "Get in line and come on." Soon everyone got in line and started to walk towards the changing rooms.

Sooner or later they got to the changing rooms (Zoro got lost a lot and it turned from "Going To the Changing Rooms" to "Where's Zoro now") and Aizawa said, "Everyone, go into the locker rooms and change into your gym uniforms; after you're done, meet me and Present Mic at the training ground." "Okay Mr. Aizawa! The class said as the girls went into the girl changing room and boys went into theirs.

But Shitai didn't move, they just stood there, most likely disassociating as they thought, "Which one am I going to go in?!?!" (the reason Shitai is thinking this is because they are nonbinary so if you refer to them, please use THEY/THEM pronouns please. That's why I said genderless in the last chapter. They look feminine though but this will be important later) Aizawa stared at them for a while before saying, "Miss, why aren't you going into the female locker room."

"Girl?" Shitai asked themself. "Does Mr. Aizawa see me as a girl?" "Um, are you okay kid?" AIzawa asked. "You seem a bit pale." "I'M A GIRL I'M A GIRL I'M A GIRL I'M A GIRL."Is all that would repeat over and over and over in their head. "KID!!!" Aizawa yelled, knocking them out of their trance. "Why aren't you answering me?"

"I-i'm sorry Mr. Aizawa it's just-it's just-." Shitai started to say. "It's just what Shitai?" Aizawa said, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm not a girl." Shitai said, stomping their foot onto the floor with a hard bang, I'm nonbinary!" A long silence grew pregnant after that outburst, until Aizawa started to chuckle a bit. "Why are you chuckling?" Shitai asked, "We'll aren't you the feisty one kid." Aizawa said. "Anyways I'm terribly sorry for misgendering you, I'll make sure to change that up so no one makes that mistake again." Aizawa replied. "Thank you for telling me."

"So i'm guessing you were trying to figure out which room to go in weren't you?" Aizawa asked cocking his head a bit. "Y-yes, why do you ask?" They reply, embarrassed. "I have a solution to it. Aizawa replied walking towards the changing rooms. "Which do you feel like going in?" Aizawa asks. "Um, the boys one for now." Shikai replies a bit embarrassed for their own teacher telling them this. "Then go in then." Aizawa said. "Okay, um, thanks Mr. Aizawa!" Shitai said as the made their way into the boys changing room.

(In the boys changing room)

"Hello everyone!" Shitai said as they came into the room and closed the door. "Hey Shitai." Everyone said as they were getting changed. "What took you so long?" Sanji asked. "Had to use the bathroom." They said as they started to undress. "THIS IS MY LUCKY DAY!!!!!" Mineta exclaimed as he had a major nosebleed. "What's with him"? Luffy asked, confused. "I have no idea Luffy-san" Brook said. A GIRL IN UNDRESSING IN FRONT OF ME!!" Mineta screamed, more blood gushing out of his nose.

"They're not a girl." Zoro said scoffing. "Yeah there nonbinary." Sanji added. "But she looks so girly, so she's a she." Mineta barked back. "By the way, they is plural, not singular stupid." "OH SO WE'RE GOING THAT ROUTE NOW!" Zoro said, visible anger around him. Sanji, Luffy, and the others were angry as well. "So not manly dude." Kirishima said, looking disapointed in the purple headed male.

Sanji was about to bash Mineta's head in with his foot but Shitai stopped him. "Let me deal with him, alright?" They said looking at Sanji with the intent to kill. "Okay Shitai." Sanji said, stepping back. "Everyone else stand back." "Mineta is it, tsk tsk tsk. If you misgender me again, I will break both of your legs, and then both of you arms. After that, i'll rip out every tooth in your mouth, one by one. Then i'll rip out your tongue, and after that i'll use my quirk, turn it up to the highest velocity and have it rip the skin of your face." Shitai deadpanned, looking straight into the eyes of Mineta, who's eyes practically gouged out in fear. "Do. I. Make. My. Self. Clear." "Y-y-y-YES!!!" Mineta screamed as he ran out of the room. "Welp, is everyone done changing?" Shitai said, giving everyone a wide smile. At that moment everyone mentally noted not to misgender them EVER.

(With the girls)

"Wow Nico Robin you're really tall!" Momo noted looking at the girl's tall structure. "I agree kero." Tsuyu added. " Well I've always been naturally tall, so it's no different that you would say so as well." Nico Robin replied while giggling. "Hey Nami?" Ochako said, getting the attention of the orange haired girl. "Yeah Ochako?" Nami replied looking over at the shorter girl. "When Zoro said that if you guys got a collateral damage bill, you would be pissed, why is that?" The brunette asked. "Well, I've been saving up money for quite some time, and I've almost halfway to my lifetime goal." Nami said, feeling herself. "Okay Nami, we get it, you're good at saving money, no need to brag." Ichiko said, rolling her eyes. "we have to get to the training grounds." "I would argue with you right but your right so let's go." Nami said scoffing while she opened the and then all the girls left the changing room and went to the training grounds.

"About 15 minutes later, everyone made it to the training grounds. Aitzo had to stay with Zoro or else he'd get lost. When everyone got there, Aizawa had something to ask the boys. "Okay everyone welcome, before we begin our training session, I have something to ask the boys." Azawa said looking at the group. "Y-yes Mr. Aizawa?" Kaminari replied thinking he knows what he's gonna ask. "Mineta came here before you guys scared and crying, i'd like to ask why that is." Aizawa asked putting one hand on his hip. "It was his fault." Shitai replied. "He misgendered me after Zoro and Sanji told him my preferred pronouns." "Well it was is fault as I thought." Aizawa said sighing while looking at Mineta. "Anywho I set up the fights to assess only the new kids strength. After all the fights are complete, we'll do some physical training and then we'll go back in in time for lunch. Is that a plan?" "Yes Mr. Aizawa." All the kids said. "Okay, then lets get straight down to business.

             ANOTHER LONG CHAPTER COMPLETE!!! This one too a while as well but don't worry! The fights will all be separate chapters so I have have a break and my chapters won't be that long to read! Thank you all 10 readers who read this book, you guy are very appreciated so don't mind commenting things I can do better so I can make this book more enjoyable for you. And with that, I'm out!

Word count:1240 words

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