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Fragile birds were never meant to fly. Metaphorically and practically. A bird with a broken wing shouldn't try to fly- well, if it didn't have a death wish.

And all he spoke was of a bird who had been caged, wings dipped in ink, cut off with a pair of scissors, a bird who was told meaningless lies. And the bird still soared into the sky. The only difference was that the bird was twice as strong. Pain took you there; when you rose from darkness, nothing could taint you anymore.

Every one of us has a story; their life being a book on the dusty shelf of so many others, waiting to be picked up, so that somebody else could see life through their shoes. One such was Achelois Crimson's. And her story, well, you couldn't help picking it up.

A precisely devised business rivalry between the three legends of business, one sprinkled with blood, battles and secrets that are yet to be unraveled. As Achelois encounters a shocking turn of situations and a camouflaged paradox, she must stand strong enough to battle a shocking world of betrayal and murder, as well as the hidden depths of the human heart. And it will hold her and haunt her; long after she has reached its shattering conclusion.

And when you went through the pages of it, your soul would drown so much that you'd regret picking up her story, you'd regret not sticking to pretty lies and fairy tales. She was cold to be feared, and she was the fire you craved.

What do the Theodores, the Crimsons and the Hawthorns have in common? Why is her seventy five year old grandfather after her life? Why hasn't she ever noticed her cousin Lucian before? Who murders her parents? Why is her family dysfunctional? Why is a famous politician after her- a simple woman who succeeded in her career? Is there more to her history than the eye can see?

 As she deepens her search, Achelois's life collides with dark buried history in a stunning twist of fate—and not everyone will survive. Because the clock is ticking, and one by one, people close to Achelois Crimson are being hunted. For her, surviving becomes part of a diabolical game.As she and Wolfe strive for success, each reveals just how far they'll go to get what they wants -- even if it means destroying the other person along the way. An edgy, addictive, and fiendishly clever tale of ambition, deceit, and power suited for fans of the dark psychological thrillers that destroy you mentally, Stalemate revels in its mind games, delivering twist after twist as it races toward a Shakespearian climax. With no choice but to stick to it, she continues shifting through a complex web of interlocking secrets and lies, some decades old and some rooted violently in the present day. As time slowly begins to run out, the answer to those questions might be what stands between life and death

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