~ C H A P T E R T E N ~

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Conspiracy theories are the work of fear and hate, of emotional indifference; and so are told by those under the thumb of fear.

Monday brought along and mixed things up and made a really bad combination. Turns out, I really need to understand that every office has it's spiced talk and whispers around. As I looked at the city from my room, Ysabel gave me something really interesting to meddle with.

"They're now saying that the boss favors you, Ma'am," she chuckled slightly, "It sounds really funny," she covers her laugh with a cough, "But the younglings and the ones under probation in our department can't stop going on and on about it."

"Funny," I turn around to face her with a grin, "Some people just don't grow up."

She makes a confused face, "Shouldn't you be storming out and telling them to shut up?" She looks at her feet, obviously speechless by the bright grin I'm flashing- but oh, Ysabel, what do you even know?

"Oh, Ysabel," I turn around to face the city from the vicinity of my room, placing my hands on the edge of the second layer of glass that protects the floor length glass window- a support. The cars look incredibly tiny from up here- it's funny- everything is, if you know the right angle to look at it through.

"Let 'em think they're the players of the situation, Ysabel," I let out a low laugh, "They're just kids. Newborn babies," I say it like it's a crime, a sin even I'd shy away from because it's super cringy, "I'm the coach, and I'll do good to remind them of it."

Ysabel lets out an awkward chuckle, obviously confused about how to react to the situation. I sit back in my seat, "Anything else?" I ask her, looking at the second folder about the assets- I need to make a new report. The gossip stuff and other crappy things aren't on my mind at all- they're just kid games. Every game would be short enough if you know just the right tactics and the weaknesses where you should hit- lengthy stuff and patience never were parts of my forte, anyways.

"No, ma'am." She bows and proceeds to leave, but my voice stops her mid-way.

"Has Mr. Theodore heard about it?"

"Probably not yet, considering neither Mr. Thelonious nor Mr. Priamos have come to know of it. They're sealing an important deal today and won't be back until late in the afternoon or so, it seems."

Not even Stellan knows? Wow, this is getting interesting.

"You can go," I tell her and she goes away without a single word. The door clicks after her. I spin around in my chair, facing the glass windows, interlocking my palms, elbows leaning on the arms of my chair. A slow grin starts forming on my face. Rumours about me, huh? What am I? A new topic of interest? Making rounds on Reddit?

Oh, may God have mercy on them.

Cause I won't.

Coffee and rumors are literally the best combination. Where else to seek more information but the break room? As the clock strikes ten, I make my way downstairs. I pass Ysabel on the way and she flashes me a wry smile.

I'm stirring the sugar in my coffee when two girls happen to come into the room. As their glance falls on me, they shrink into themselves and walk towards the other side of the table, the occasional murmur never dying out. I feel their eyes on me at times, yet I keep my focus on stirring the sugar- sweet, sweet coffee. Too bad, I've got quite a strong sense of hearing. I slow down my stirring and catch up on their conversation.

"She's of course something to look at; and they practically lived next to each other, and have pursued their careers together." The brunette says to the purple-haired girl. Dying hair purple? An obvious sign of either foolishness at Theodore and Co, or just careless and immature.

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