Chapter 14

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The last and final wedding of 2024 is Johnny and Sabrina's wedding in Chicago, on Christmas Day. At this time, Johnny is 29, and didn't have to serve in the Korean military because he still holds an American citizenship. He didn't want to forget where he comes from, so he kept his original citizenship. Sabrina still holds a German citizenship but she has a visitor's visa for Korea. If things work out, Johnny's going to retire from NCT and move himself and Sabrina back to Chicago, but that is still being worked out between Johnny and SM Entertainment.

In attendance for the wedding are Johnny's parents, his childhood and high school friends, and the members he's closest with of course. Since Johnny doesn't have any siblings, he considers Mark his little brother, so Mark will be acting as Johnny's best man. Along with Mark is Jaehyun. The trio of Foreign Swaggers has struck once again. Some may argue that Foreign Swaggers got an upgrade with the addition of; WayV, Yuta, and Shotaro, but that is besides the point. The original lineup will always be; Johnny, Jaehyun, and Mark.

Accompanying Sabrina is her whole family from Germany. Sabrina has her parents and her younger identical twin brothers who were born: July 3, 1997. They are 3 years younger than Sabrina. Their names are: Klaus and Kasper Mann. They are really tall guys, as typical German guys are. I bet if I were to meet any of my cousins on my German side, my Ulrich side, I'd probably have some tall cousins too. Now that all the guests have been seated, it is time for the ceremony to officially begin. If there were 3 weddings this year, this begs the question; how many weddings will be next year? One can only hope that the remaining 19 members stay strong in their relationships and get married at some point. There is no rush, though. They can take as much time as they think they need before getting married.

Here to officiate the wedding is a pastor from one of the local Baptist churches in Chicago, which there are many. For Johnny, who doesn't really identify as any religion, didn't want to make it awfully religious. For Sabrina, who is actually the same religion as me, which is pretty cool, wanted at least some religion sprinkled in. It's all about a balance game, and Johnny and Sabrina were abl to find that balance. The wedding begins with Johnny and Sabrina stating their vows to each other. Johnny starts, being the hopeless romantic I know he is,
"Sabrina, my beautiful, dirty blonde, love of my life. Your eyes, deep blue as the ocean, is what I first got lost in. Those light freckles across the bridge of your nose, are like angel's kisses. Your smile is a real God-send. What is more beautiful than your outward appearance? Your gorgeous heart. You have a heart for all, and had made me fall so in love with you. I love you. Ich liebe dich, Sabrina."
"Johnny, meine Held. You saved me like the hero you are. It is hard to find a guy who is taller than me. I mean, I am 5'10. You, Johnny, are just two inches taller than me. I wasn't looking for the looks. I was looking for a man who will love me for who I am. Who will make me laugh on my darkest days. Who will bring me coffee in the morning. You fulfilled all those and more. I am so glad to have met you. Despite the crazy way we may have met, we still fell in love as if it was meant to be. Now that I'm 30, and have finally found you, I can't wait to live out the rest of my days with you. Ich liebe dich auch, Johnny." Sabrina said(I love you, too)

With their vows all said and done, the pastor then asks for the rings. He blesses the rings, then asks Johnny and Sabrina to promise a few more things. That these rings are a symbol of their love, yada, yada, yada. We're all waiting for the kiss. The pastor then asks Johnny to kiss his bride after what felt like an eternity. Johnny has a little smirk on his face as he puts on hand on Sabrina's cheek and the other in the nape of her neck, kissing her romantically. Again, the perfect K-Drama scene. It's just perfect.
"Ladies and gentlemen, now, let me formally introduce you to Mister and Misses Suh." The pastor said.
The guests stand up and applaud the couple as they walk their way down the aisle together.

Johnny and Sabrina had their reception party at Johnny's parents' house. The party is being held in the backyard and everyone is having a lovely time, just chatting and getting to know each other. Johnny has only went to Germany while on tour and one other occasion with Sabrina. He hasn't met her twin brothers because they were busy during the week Johnny was in Düsseldorf. Now, Johnny is meeting them, and her brothers gladly introduce themselves.
"Okay, so Klaus and Kasper. Now is Kasper spelled with a C or K?" Johnny asked.
"A K." Kasper said.
"Ah. How do I tell the difference between you two?" Johnny asked.
"Klaus is slightly shorter than me, and he has a birth mark, right about there. I am, however, taller and have no birth marks." Kasper explained.
"Oh~ I see." Johnny said.
"It's nice to meet you." Klaus said.
"Yeah, it's nice meeting you too. Wow, I am not used to be shorter. This is weird." Johnny said.
"Yeah, I'm 6'2." Kasper said, "Klaus is 6'1."
"Damn." Johnny said.
"Are you guys going to live in Germany or America?" Klaus asked.
"I think it would be better for us to live here." Sabrina said.
"Alright, but make sure to visit once in a while." Kasper said.
"I would never just abandoned you guys." Sabrina said.
"Good." Kasper and Klaus said in unison.

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