50 - Stereotypes

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I hesitantly reached my hand out towards the door knob, knowing that I'll have to eventually go in. I couldn't understand what it was that was making me nervous, but something most definitely was. 

I loved him, it shouldn't have to be so difficult to go into his room

I mean, I've spent nights there before, although nothing really happened in those nights. But now, we were married, and the possibilities that came with that were overwhelming me. 

I sighed and finally grabbed on to the doorknob, firmly twisting it. I had to go in sometime, I couldn't play this docile act the whole night.

I entered the room, quickly keeping the milk to the side because I knew he wouldn't drink it and I was way too nervous to put something into my already nauseous stomach

I went and sat next to him, honestly not knowing what to expect. Its not like I was oblivious to what happened on the first night. I knew it, and I knew it well.

Theoretically, of course, because I was an inexperienced baby

"Aarav?" I asked after a while to break the silence which was doing little to relax my nerves. He had stayed perfectly still till he heard my voice, turning to me with a smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes

"I---What's wrong?" I asked with worry on seeing his tired and slightly red eyes that looked like he had cried sometime ago

"Nothing, love. I'm just tired" He said, but there still remained so much pain in his eyes that despite the smile he was trying hard to keep on his face,  it looked more fake than anything.

"So...do you want to go to sleep?" I ask reluctantly, although I was honestly hoping that our night wouldn't end so soon. But if he was that exhausted, it would just be better to get some rest.

"Yeah. I'll change" He said and got up, giving me an apologetic smile that only increased my worry. I don't know what had happened, but things didn't feel the same as before. 

It was like something had shifted in our relationship. I don't remember a single day when I felt tense in his presence. His aura always soothed me, but today, it felt purely desolate. 

I sighed and closed that train of thoughts as I removed my saree and changed into my PJs. Sitting on the bed and waiting for him to come back. He came into the room again, walking over to the side of the bed and sliding in next to me. I layed down as well, turning off the side lamp. 

This is just like any other night we spent together, calm down. 
I told myself. But I knew it wasn't like our nights before

Aarav only further proved my point when he didn't hold me tightly at first like he usually did. 


I woke up the next morning, running my palm through the side of the bed only to find it empty. I frowned and woke up, but quickly saw Aarav at the couch, drinking coffee

"Morning Nishka" He said, handing me my decaf tea because my lovely gut decided during development that it wanted to be intolerant to caffiene

I smiled gratefully at him, sitting beside him. I felt like the atmosphere between us had finally lightened, which raised my spirits by quite a bit.

"Our honeymoon is next month by the way. You have sessionals this month-end right? I doubted that you'd want to go on vacation with exams this close" He said after a while, to which I only replied with a grateful kiss to his cheek, but I didn't miss the way he tensed under me

He smiled at me again before grabbing my mug and leaving to, I assume, wash it. 

I decided to shower quickly, because I only applied leave for 3 days from work, which meant I had to still go in today

Coming out of the shower, I saw Aarav buttoning his shirt up in front of the vanity mirror. Now, under normal circumstances, I would just run into the closet. But you know what? We were married now. Why should I care if I am only in my towel? 

I went behind him, sliding my arms around his torso, and placing my face on his back. However, he didn't turn around and hug me like I expected him to. I pouted and looked at him through the mirror, to find him staring at me with adoration, but even that seemed sad

I pouted even more and frowned

Is it just me or has he actually become less romantic after marriage?

Oh gosh, the stereotypes are true then!
Well, at least in my so called 'husband's' case

I stormed off to the closet, muttering scoldings that I don't know if he never heard or just pretended to not hear

He was going on about how he considered me his wife even before marriage and doing all kinds of unspeakable things, what happened now?

Grabbing my scrubs and tying my hair in a messy bun, I walked off, not bothering to put on anything more because the person meant to get affected, wasn't getting affected anymore. 

What a pity...... 


"Nandha and Nishka done. Whose entering wedlock next?" Abhinav asked, nudging Nina's elbow teasingly. Nina blushed immediately, franctically looking around to see if Elianna had come back from the restroom yet. She sighed in relief when she didn't spot her assumed girlfriend and in Abhinav's view, future wife, anywhere

"We met 2 weeks ago!" She shrieked in complaint. She wasn't wrong though, Abhinav was getting a bit ahead of time. 

"Where's Ansh?" Nandha asked, not seeing the slightly-psycho-completely-suspicious brother-in-law of mine.

"He-he said he had to catch a flight to Banglore this afternoon" Abhinav said, but for some reason Nandha's eyebrows furrowed at that and she exchanged worried glances with her husband, who looked concerned as well. Janina looked like she knew something too, from the way she shifted in an uneasy manner, while I and Abhinav just passed confused glances, completely clueless as to why such a simple statement had caused the air around us to tense

I swear, life just gets weird day by day



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Ciao everyone!!

I'm writing this chapter and a few other chapters in advance, because annuals are coming up 😞
As much as I am an evil author, I also happen to be a good student, and usually hibernate for a few weeks before my exams start, so yeah.

Anyways, this chapter probably gave you a bunch of questions, don't worry, the big climax is coming soon 😈😈

I'll be back with more suspicious plot lines (😈😈) in the next chapter
Till then,
Love you loads,
Take care,

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